Giannis Poulopoulos sings immigration songs The songs of today’s GME are mostly taken from the album “The songs of foreign lands”, which was released in 1976. This unjustifiably forgotten collection was composed by Giorgos Katsaros, written by Dimitris Iatropoulos and performed by Giannis Poulopoulos. Ο Γιάννης Πουλόπουλος στα «Τραγούδια της Ξενιτιάς» Μια σημαντική δουλειά από το μακρινό 1976, με τη βελούδινη φωνή του Πουλόπουλου, τους εμπνευσμένους στίχους του Ιατρόπουλου και τις στιβαρές μελωδίες του Κατσαρού, που δεν ακούστηκε σχεδόν καθόλου. Πάντως, με το συνεχιζόμενο δράμα της προσφυγιάς και της μετανάστευσης να ξεδιπλώνεται σήμερα, διατηρεί όλη τα διαχρονικότητά της.
Giannis Poulopoulos sings immigration songs The songs of today’s GME are mostly taken from the album “The songs of foreign lands”, which was released in 1976. This unjustifiably forgotten collection was composed by Giorgos Katsaros, written by Dimitris Iatropoulos and performed by Giannis Poulopoulos. Ο Γιάννης Πουλόπουλος στα «Τραγούδια της Ξενιτιάς» Μια σημαντική δουλειά από το μακρινό 1976, με τη βελούδινη φωνή του Πουλόπουλου, τους εμπνευσμένους στίχους του Ιατρόπουλου και τις στιβαρές μελωδίες του Κατσαρού, που δεν ακούστηκε σχεδόν καθόλου. Πάντως, με το συνεχιζόμενο δράμα της προσφυγιάς και της μετανάστευσης να ξεδιπλώνεται σήμερα, διατηρεί όλη τα διαχρονικότητά της.
Giannis Poulopoulos sings immigration songs The songs of today’s GME are mostly taken from the album “The songs of foreign lands”, which was released in 1976. This unjustifiably forgotten collection was composed by Giorgos Katsaros, written by Dimitris Iatropoulos and performed by Giannis Poulopoulos. Ο Γιάννης Πουλόπουλος στα «Τραγούδια της Ξενιτιάς» Μια σημαντική δουλειά από το μακρινό 1976, με τη βελούδινη φωνή του Πουλόπουλου, τους εμπνευσμένους στίχους του Ιατρόπουλου και τις στιβαρές μελωδίες του Κατσαρού, που δεν ακούστηκε σχεδόν καθόλου. Πάντως, με το συνεχιζόμενο δράμα της προσφυγιάς και της μετανάστευσης να ξεδιπλώνεται σήμερα, διατηρεί όλη τα διαχρονικότητά της.
On January 9, 1969, a newlywed Greek couple is flying from New York to the Bahamas when a young man at gunpoint diverts the plane to Cuba. The passengers end up in the Havana of the embargo, just a decade after the Cuban Revolution…
Interviewee: Morela Koufaki-AvdiInterview by: E...
Giannis Poulopoulos sings immigration songs
The songs of today’s GME are mostly taken from the album “The songs of foreign lands”, which was released in 1976. This unjustifiably forgotten collection was composed by Giorgos Katsaros, written by Dimitris Iatropoulos and performed by Giannis Poulopoulos.
Ο Γιάννη...
Foreign lands in rembetiko songs
This is a rare collection of rebetiko songs created from the 1930s and the mid-1950s, which talk about the harsh realities of immigration
Ρεμπέτικα της ξενιτιάς
«Δε φοβούμαι βρε μαγκίτη και θα φύγω απ' την Αθήνα / στην Αμερική θα πάω πώς να σου το ειπώ / μέσα ...
Haris Alexiou’s “Immigration Songs”
The album “Immigration Songs” is unique in many respects: it contains performances by Greece’s top art-folk singer, Haris Alexiou; the songs had been recorded by 1987 but the album was eventually released in 2020; and there are not many collections with such a...
‘Immigrants’ by Giannis Markopoulos
The 1974 album “Immigrants”, composed by Giannis Markopoulos and written by George Skourtis, defined an entire era of Greek song, when it was replete with social and political messages. Markopoulos described the album as “A cycle of songs, a bitter tribute by the co...
Domna Samiou’ “Far away from home” songs
The week that starts today is dedicated to immigration and to the memory of all those immigrants and refugees who have died trying to cross the Mediterranean, including all those hundreds who perished at the Pylos migrant boat disaster on June 14, 2023. We st...
In 2009 Anna Ellis visited Zitsa, a small village in western Greece, while couchsurfing with her sister. There she met their host, Kostas, the village’s baker. She spent only 24 hours there, but it changed her life forever.
Interviewee: Anna EllisInterview by: Giannis Koutroudis, S...
Derti songs, part 5
Today we are listening to songs referring to the ultimate symbol of all lovers and all romantic souls: the moon or “feggari”, as it is called in Greek.
Ντέρτι, μέρος 5ο
Ένα μικρό αφιέρωμα στο απόλυτο σύμβολο κάθε ρομαντικής ψυχής: το φεγγάρι, όπως το τραγούδησαν ερμηνευτές όπως η Μελίν...
Derti songs, part 4
A journey back in time and in a relatively ‘heavy’ repertoire of erotic bitterness and longing, with artists like Dimitris Kontolazos and Vassilis Karras.
Ντέρτι, μέρος 4ο
Μια βόλτα πίσω στον χρόνο και σε ένα κάπως πιο «βαρύ» ρεπερτόριο ερωτικού παράπονου: Καρράς, Κοντολ...
Derti songs, part 3
A selection of songs of erotic pain performed by some of the most popular names of light folk, from Katerina Stanisi to Angela Dimitriou and from Giorgos Mazonakis to Peggy Zina.
Ντέρτι, μέρος 3ο
Μια επιλογή τραγουδιών ερωτικού πόνου από κάποια από τα γνωστότερα ονόματα του ελα...
Derti songs, part 2
Anna Vissi and Antonis Remos are two legends of folk-pop, this light music genre that pretty much dominated the Greek scene over the past three decades. Their mega-hits are all anthems of the bitter, unfulfilled love.
Ντέρτι, μέρος 2ο
Άννα Βίσση και Αντώνης Ρέμος, δύο γνωσ...
Derti songs, part 1
This week is dedicated to songs of “derti”, a Greek word that means erotic passion, longing or pain. Today’s menu includes some of the numerous hits of Natassa Theodoridou and Pashalis Terzis, two extremely popular singers of light folk or folk-pop.
Ντέρτι, μέρος 1ο
Τραγούδια ...
The only thing Karin knew about her origin was that she had been adopted from Greece in 1963, after being found on the doorstep of an orphanage in Athens. That was until she started looking for the true story behind her adoption. Karin never expected what she would discover.
Είναι πραγματικά κρυμμένος ο θησαυρός των νεράιδων στο τέλος του ουράνιου τόξου;Γιατί η Ιρλανδία έχει την άρπα ως εθνικό της σύμβολο;Ποιος ήταν ο Μπρένταν ο Πλοηγός;Στο ιρλανδικό φεστιβάλ Αθηνών στο Πάρκο της Λαμπιδωνας στον Βύρωνα στις 22 Ιουνίου, λάτρεις των ιρλανδικών μύθων και παραδόσεων από όλα τα κοιν...
Maramis V: The Haunted
In Dimitris Maramis’ contemporary musical The Haunted, three folk ballads are combined: The Bridge of Arta, The Dead Brother’s Song, and The Ghost of Charmaina. The supernatural is the common theme that links these stories together, with the ghosts of the dam...