Our journey takes us to the multiple meanings of waves in Greek songs, as August is naturally associated with the deep blue. A symbol of departure and return, of love and possible destruction.
Ο Αύγουστος είναι αδιάρρηκτα συνδεδεμένος με το απέραντο γαλάζιο κι εμείς εξετάζουμε...
Songs about August
Welcoming August through the multiple references of Greek songs to this special month. Crazy August… August in Athens… and so on.
Τραγούδια για τον Αύγουστο
Καλωσορίζουμε τον Αύγουστο μέσα από τις πολλαπλές αναφορές ελληνικών τραγουδιών σε αυτό τον ιδιαίτερο μήνα. Τρελός Αύγο...
Rediscovering rebetiko
Covers, covers and more covers… of rebetiko songs by a younger generation of alternative bands and singers. A fresh, contemporary sound based on the rediscovery of the classics.
Η νέα γενιά ανακαλύπτει το ρεμπέτικο
Επανεκτελέσεις ρεμπέτικων τραγουδιών από μια νεότερη γενιά εν...
Rebetiko by Stavros Xarhakos
A collection of songs that carry the feeling and the scent of rebetiko even though they were written many years after the flourishing of the genre, by composer Stavros Xarhakos and lyricist Nikos Gatsos.
Το Ρεμπέτικο του Ξαρχάκου
Ένας ιστορικός δίσκος που κουβαλάει την αίσθηση κ...
Lady sings the …Greek blues
A celebration of the lives and the voices of the grand female singers who defined the development of rebetiko. From Ioanna Georgakopoulou to Sotiria Bellou and from Marika Ninou to Rita Abatzi.
Οι κυρίες τραγουδούν τα ρεμπέτικα
Γιορτάζουμε τις ζωές και τις φωνές των μεγάλων τραγου...
Vassilis Tsitsanis: The original recordings
Remembering the figure of rebetiko that turned it from a marginalized form of art into the source of modern Greek song that we all know today. A tribute to Vassilis Tsitsanis.
Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης: Πρώτες εκτελέσεις
Είναι εκείνη η φιγούρα του ρεμπέτικου που ...
The second life of Markos Vamvakaris
Today, we will be travelling along the “Patriarch” of the rebetiko songs, the pride of the island of Syros, the creator of Fragosyriani. Our destination: rebetiko songs performed by singers who honoured Markos Vamvakaris several decades after the original rec...
Songs for Greek TV series
Greek music is everywhere, including the television. So, let us explore the endless, fascinating list of art-folk songs that accompanied some of the most popular Greek TV drama series.
Τραγούδια από ελληνικές τηλεοπτικές σειρές
Η ελληνική μουσική είναι παντού, συμπερι...
Dimitris Papadimitriou
Today, we will be investigating the contribution of a leading Greek composer to music for films and for television. Dimitris Papadimitriou succeeded in generating an immensely popular musical landscape based on both his classical background and his appreciation for folk music.
Δημήτρης Παπαδημ...
Cine Mikis
Greece’s top composer had a vast repertoire in the field of film music too. Let’s explore the work of Mikis Theodorakis for the moving image, from famous Zorba to cool-jazz Serpico and imposing State of Siege.
Σινέ Μίκης
Ο κορυφαίος Έλληνας συνθέτης γέννησε ένα τεράστιο ρεπερτόριο στον ...
Songs from the new Greek cinema
Today, we are watching movies while travelling aboard our imaginary train - the movies of the new Greek cinema from the early 1980s onwards. And, of course, we are listening to their soundtracks too, starting with the creations of Eleni Karaindrou!
Τραγούδια από τον ...
Vaggelis Korakakis, from Kaisariani to Lavrio
Without a doubt, Korakakis is the single most important contemporary folk creator, who gave new life to Greek rebetiko-like, popular song.
Βαγγέλης Κορακάκης, από την Καισαριανή στο Λαύριο
Με δύναμη από την Καισαριανή, ο Κορακάκης είναι χωρίς αμφιβ...
The popular side of Giannis Spanos
Today, we will be exploring the folk side of a truly multifaceted composer who contributed a lot to the development of Greek music, also drawing on excerpts from an interview that Giannis Spanos gave to Makis Gartzopoulos and Hercules Economou.
Η λαϊκή πλευρ...
Revisiting Manolis Chiotis
A tour to the legacy of a hugely popular music creator and bouzouki soloist of the 1960s and how it has inspired a younger generation of artists.
Μανώλης Χιώτης: Οι επανεκτελέσεις
Μια ξενάγηση στην κληρονομιά του σπουδαίου λαϊκού συνθέτη και σολίστα του μπουζουκιού μέσ...
George Dalaras sings Apostolos Kaldaras
They called each other “uncle” and “nephew”, and we celebrate this relationship of mutual admiration and respect between composer Apostolos Kaldaras and singer George Dalaras that provided us with some of the greatest creations of Greek popular song.
Ο Γιώργος ...
Giorgos Zabetas: Yes Sir!
Join us in exploring the world of a beloved folk composer, whose melodies have stood the test of time thanks to their originality and emotional depth.
Γιώργος Ζαμπέτας: Μάλιστα Κύριε!
Ένα ταξίδι στον κόσμο του αγαπημένου λαϊκού συνθέτη, του οποίου οι μελωδίες παραμένουν διαχρον...
A band that took the music tradition of Crete and turned it successfully into a vehicle of modern sound, adding new arrangements and world-music elements.
Η παρέα από την Κρήτη που πήρε την μουσική παράδοση του νησιού και τη μετέτρεψε σε ένα όχημα απολύτως σύγχρονου και παγκό...
Led by Nikos Portokaloglou, this band put forward a new, fresh proposition concerning modern rock with a distinctively Greek flavor.
Με τον Νίκο Πορτοκάλογλου στον πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο, αυτό το συγκρότημα προσέφερε μια νέα, φρέσκια πρόταση για ροκ με άρωμα ελληνικό.