Rock bands of the 1980s
An exploration of Greek rock during its most fertile, original and innovative period, from Scraptown and Sharp Ties to Last Drive and Purple Overdose.
Ροκ συγκροτήματα των 1980s
Εξερευνούμε την ελληνική ροκ κατά την πιο γόνιμη, πρωτότυπη και καινοτόμο περίοδό της.
Tzimis Panousis & Musical Brigades
An ingenious satirical creator and a band of top-class musicians adding a highly subversive, unconventional layer to Greek song. The art of “Tzimakos” was originally persecuted by courts and police authorities but eventually secured timelessness and popularity.
Τζίμης Πανούσης ...
Diafana Krina (Transparent Lilies)
An alternative rock band that stood out for its imposing atmosphere and poetic lyrics. Our introduction to the band will be focusing on its debut 1996 album and the views and ideas of its frontman, Thanos Anestopoulos, who sadly passed away in 2016.
Διάφανα Κρίνα
Xylina Spathia (Wooden Swords)
Today we will be focusing on a rock band that deepened and intensified the big bang of Greek rock of the 1990s. Sometimes extrovert and intense, others calmly introvert, Xylina Spathia produced an unprecedented, emotionally charged rock style.
Ξύλινα Σπαθιά
Υπέγραψαν τη «μεγάλη έκρηξη» τ...
Trypes (Holes)
This is the band that defined the course and shape of Greek rock like no other. Socially aware lyrics, intoxicating melodies, and the awkward voice of Giannis Aggelakas are the ingredients of Trypes’ post-punk recipe of success.
Απλώς ανυπέρβλητοι - όρισαν το ελληνικό ροκ...
Brecht, Neruda, Hikmet
These three poets are Greek composers’ favourite ones when it comes to setting foreign poetry to music. Because Greek music has known no borders whatsoever.
Μπρέχτ, Νερούδα, Χικμέτ
Οι τρεις αγαπημένοι ξένοι ποιητές των Ελλήνων συνθετών. Άλλη μια απόδειξη του γεγονότος ότ...
Giannis Ritsos
A powerful revolutionary poet who never lost his ‘other side’, that of lyricism and sensitivity. We listen to poems of his set to music by Mikis Theodorakis, Nikos Mamagakis, Thanos Mikroutsikos and Christos Leontis.
Γιάννης Ρίτσος
Ο μεγάλος επαναστάτης δημιουργός που δεν έχασε ποτέ την «...
Odysseas Elytis
Greece’s second Nobel Prize in Literature laureate, whose poetry has been identified with the Greek landscape - with luminosity and transparency. We listen to poems of his set to music by Elias Andriopoulos, Dimitris Lagios, Michalis Tranoudakis and Dimitris Papadimitriou.
Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
George Seferis
Greece’s first Nobel Prize in Literature laureate who inspired several composers with his profound philosophical meanings and treatment of history. We listen to poems of his set to music by Mikis Theodorkis, Giannis Markopoulos, Dimos Moutsis and Elias Andriopoulos.
Γιώργος Σεφέρης
Greek poetry set to music
Today we are celebrating the merging of two fascinating forms of art, poetry and music, into one, with the help of Greece's leading poets and composers. Our focus is on lesser known Greek poets, from Maria Polydouri to Napoleon Lapathiotis.
Ελληνική μελοποιημένη ποίηση
Η συγχώνε...
Vassilis Nikolaidis
A tribute to the small yet notable work of the lonely troubadour of Greek song. Poetic, satirical, unique.
Βασίλης Νικολαΐδης
Ένα αφιέρωμα στο μικρό αλλά αξιοσημείωτο έργο του μοναχικού τροβαδούρου του ελληνικού τραγουδιού. Ποιητικός, σατιρικός, μοναδικός!
Vaggelis Germanos
We will be investigating the story of a singer-songwriter who really shaped the style of Greek songwriting of the 1980s and 1990s with his debut album – the famous ‘Little Bars’ – and his subsequent work.
Βαγγέλης Γερμανός Αυτή είναι η ιστορία του τραγουδοποιού που καθόρισε το ύφος τ...
Hanomai giati remvazw
What a special, idiosyncratic band Hanomai giati remvazw is. Absolutely melancholic and playful at the same time, they have maintained their originality and experimental mood for so many years.
Χάνομαι γιατί ρεμβάζω Πρόκειται για μια πραγματικά ιδιαίτερη μπάντα. Μελαγχολικοί αλλά και παι...
Vassilis Kazoulis
A rock ballad singer-songwriter who has stood out for his artistic consistency and low profile. Please welcome Greece’s …Simon & Garfunkel.
Βασίλης Καζούλης Ένας ροκ τραγουδοποιός που ξεχώρισε για την καλλιτεχνική του συνέπεια και το χαμηλό προφίλ. Ό,τι πιο κοντινό στους Σάιμον &a...
Michalis Rakintzis
This is Greece’s most talented pop music composer. Let’s follow his steps, from a cool band called Scraptown to an admirable solo career that involves collaborations with legends Ian Gillan and Bonnie Tyler.
Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής
Ο πιο ταλαντούχος συνθέτης ποπ μουσικής στην Ελλάδα....
Celebrating a band that connected our hearts with the tarantella rhythm and the songs of the Griko (the Greek-speaking communities of Southern Italy). This is music of the peoples, above and beyond borders.
Γιορτάζουμε το συγκρότημα που μας σύστησε την ταραντέλα και τα τραγούδια της ...
Mode Plagal
Welcome to one of Greece’s most sophisticated bands, which has utilized tradition as the raw material for the production of music that is absolutely modern and relevant.
Mode Plagal
Ένα συγκρότημα με πολύ προχωρημένο ήχο που έχει χρησιμοποιήσει την παράδοση ως πρώτη ύλη για κάτι απολύτως σύγχρονο κα...
Ross Daly
Let’s follow the path of a very unique artist who came from Ireland to change once and for all our perception of Cretan music tradition.
Ross Daly
Περπατάμε στο μονοπάτι ενός μοναδικού καλλιτέχνη που ήρθε από την Ιρλανδία για να αλλάξει την αντίληψή μας για την κρητική μουσική παράδοση....