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ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟ 13:00 - 13:05
Δελτίο Ειδήσεων

Greek Music Express

Ηρακλής Οικονόμου

Μια αγγλόφωνη εκπομπή για την ελληνική μουσική, που αφηγείται τις ιστορίες του ελληνικού τραγουδιού, των συνθετών, των στιχουργών και των ερμηνευτών που το καθόρισαν.

Greek Music Express
Greek Music Express: SONGS OF POST-1974 GREECE: Political song: Loizos – Leontis – Mikroutsikos | 01.10.2024
Three composers who marked the evolution of political song in Greece: Manos Loizos – Thanos Mikroutsikos - Christos Leontis. The latter remarks: “I took many things from the struggle of the people and I tried to express this through my songs, which spoke of both the beauty and the difficulty of lif...
Greek Music Express: SONGS OF POST-1974 GREECE: Beyond Theodorakis | 30.09.2024
TThis year, Greece is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the fall of the 7-year military dictatorship in 1974 and the establishment of a functioning democratic regime. This is a great occasion for GME to return to some of the greatest songs that marked the mid-1970s and, also, to some texts that analyse...
Greek Music Express: GREEK JAZZ PIONEERS: Giorgos Kontrafouris – Takis Paterelis | 27.09.2024
The week that ends here at GME was dedicated to a music genre that is somehow overlooked nowadays, even though it encompasses huge amounts of talent, improvisation and vision: Greek jazz. Tonight’s destination: pianist Giorgos Kontrafouris and saxophonist Takis Paterelis. The jazz virus attacked Paterelis a...
Greek Music Express: GREEK JAZZ PIONEERS: The jazz side of Thanos Mikroutsikos | 26.09.2024
Thanos Mikroutsikos has been appearing regularly here at GME thanks to his multi-faceted musical personality and his active engagement with different styles and genres. Today, we shall be exploring his jazz side; indeed, his relationship with jazz may not be clear in the minds of many of us, but it...
Greek Music Express: GREEK JAZZ PIONEERS: Sakis Papadimitriou – Georgia Syllaiou | 25.09.2024
Pianist, composer and writer Sakis Papadimitriou is one of the key figures in Greek jazz. He started studying piano at a very early age and later he continued with classical guitar. He holds a degree from the Philosophy Department of the University of Ioannina and the Department of Education of Patras...
Greek Music Express: GREEK JAZZ PIONEERS: Andreas Polyzogopoulos – Dimitris Kalantzis | 24.09.2024
Trumpet player and composer Andreas Polyzogopoulos studied jazz trumpet at the Conservatory of Amsterdam and the Royal Conservatory of Brussels where he won the Toots Thielemans award. He has recorded five personal albums and appears in more than seventy as a sideman. His later records include a tribute...
Greek Music Express: GREEK JAZZ PIONEERS: The jazz side of Mimis Plessas | 23.09.2024
The liner notes of the historic Greece Goes Modern album read as follows: “Mimis Plessas is one of our foremost composers, he has repeatedly been awarded with international European and Greek awards for his music songs and film scores. In this album with the help of The Orbiters, a modern group with s...
Greek Music Express: SEFERIS: Seferis Mix | 20.09.2024
Seferis died on September 20, 1971, i.e. today it is the 53rd anniversary of his departure. Here at GME, we have been honouring his massive legacy with a week-long tribute to his poetry set to music by Greece’s leading composers and today we will explore the ways in which younger and alternative music a...
Greek Music Express: SEFERIS: Seferis – Markopoulos – Moutsis | 19.09.2024
53 years after his death (on September 20, 1971), Seferis’ footprint on Greek music remains significant, as GME has tried to show throughout this week. Tonight, it is time to unveil the connection between Seferis and two colossal figures of Greek music, Giannis Markopoulos and Dimos Moutsis. The former u...
Greek Music Express: SEFERIS: Seferis and the composers | 18.09.2024
This week, here at GME, we have been focusing on the poetry of Nobel laureate George Seferis set to music. Today, we will be witnessing a highly sophisticated aspect of the story, as reflected by the work of Argyris Kounadis and a 1988 album of his (Songs for voice and piano) where he set six Seferis...
Greek Music Express: SEFERIS: Seferis – Andriopoulos | 17.09.2024
Today, we will be listening to excerpts from two albums by composer Elias Andriopoulos: The 1976 Seferis Cycle and the 1998 Argonauts – both based on poems by Seferis. The crème-de-la-crème of Greek vocalists will be keeping us company: Alkistis Protopsalti, Nikos Xylouris, Nena Venetsanou, Manolis Mit...
Greek Music Express: SEFERIS: Seferis – Theodorakis | 16.09.2024
This week, GME will be focusing on the poetry of George Seferis set to music. The occasion? He died on September 20, 1971, i.e. this Friday it is going to be the 53rd anniversary of his death. Seferis was not only one of most important Greek poets of the 20th century and a Nobel laureate, but also a...
Greek Music Express: Songs about Piraeus: Songs about the suburbs of Piraeus | 13.09.2024
We spent the entire week singing songs about Piraeus, its neighborhoods, its streets, its people, the beautiful district of Kokkinia, its rebetiko anthems, and so much more. Today, we will be concluding our tribute with songs containing to the suburbs of Piraeus – places such as Tambouria, Amfiali, K...
Greek Music Express: Songs about Piraeus: People of Piraeus | 12.09.2024
Piraeotis is the guy from Piraeus and Piraeotissa is the lady from Piraeus. These are its residents, its people, the heroes of life and of song, brave and bold, disciplined and hard-working but also playful and autonomous. Stamatis Kokotas, Doukissa, Babis Goles and Mario will be narrating for us the...
Greek Music Express: Songs about Piraeus: A song about Kokkinia neighborhood | 11.09.2024
Rebetiko song is the name of the Greek urban folk song that appeared at the end of the 19th century and acquired its familiar form, approximately by the third decade of the 20th century. It developed in the port cities where the working class lived, such as Piraeus and Thessaloniki, and then moved to...
Greek Music Express: Songs about Piraeus: Rebetiko songs about Piraeus 10.09.2024
Rebetiko song is the name of the Greek urban folk song that appeared at the end of the 19th century and acquired its familiar form, approximately by the third decade of the 20th century. It developed in the port cities where the working class lived, such as Piraeus and Thessaloniki, and then moved to...
Greek Music Express: Songs about Piraeus 09.09.2024
Piraeus has been sung by the greatest singers, from Flery Ntantonaki to Nana Mouskouri and from Lakis Halkias to Giannis Kalantzis. It has been hailed by the greatest composers, from Manos Hadjidakis to Giannis Markopoulos and Christos Nikolopoulos. Today’s track list is full of Piraeus-related classics, e...
Greek Music Express: Rebetiko reborn, part 5: Alexiou – Galani – Arvanitaki| 06.09.2024
Haris Alexiou, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Dimitra Galani – three legends of Greek music that marked its evolution with their expressive voices. Their massive careers also include songs or even entire albums with covers of rebetiko songs and, today, we will be listening to a sample of their contribution t...