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Γιάννης Ψυχογιός

Infinitely Curious

Κατερίνα Μπατζάκη

Εκπομπή στα αγγλικά που στοχεύει να εξάψει την περιέργεια σε τομείς που αφορούν στην τεχνολογία και στην ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη. Ανακαλύπτει ανεξερεύνητους κόσμους της ανθρώπινης ψυχής και επιδιώκει να ανατρέψει τον τρόπο που σκεφτόμαστε για κάθε τι που σμιλεύει το νου και το πνεύμα μας. Είναι ένα ταξίδι σε μια κοσμοδιάσταση εκείνων των μικρών ασήμαντων σημαντικών, αυτά που συχνά κοιτάζουμε αλλά δεν βλέπουμε.

Infinitely Curious
Infinitely Curious: Women & Career | 27.10.2024
Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English language program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and hear about the challenges of women balancing career and family life.Find out from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top ...
Infinitely Curious: Self-regulation in children | 20.10.2024
Infinitely Curious: Self-regulation in children | 20.10.2024Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English language show of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn about self-regulation and co-regulation, why it matters and why it is so important to be taught at a young age.  ...
Infinitely Curious: Living with intent | 13.10.2024
Listen to this episode of Infinitely Curious, the English language program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, to learn about the power of intention and why it is so important in making our lives happier and more meaningful.Hear Deepak Chopra talking about the power of intention and w...
Infinitely Curious: Robotics (First global challenge) | 29.09.2024
Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English-language program of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn how an international robotics competition this year in Athens with young people 14-18 years old from 193 countries can change the world. In this year’s competition “Feeding the Future”, p...
Infinitely Curious: Intermittent fasting | 22.09.2024
Listen to this episode of Infinitely Curious to learn how key pathways diets like intermittent fasting affect our body.Listen to Western medicine-trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist Cynthia Thurlow explaining how intermittent fasting is easy to implement, it is inexpensive and flex...
Infinitely Curious: We are what we eat | 15.09.2024
Listen to this episode of Infinitely Curious, the English-languge radio show of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn why food is so important for our body, mood, and lifespan, and why eating well changes the way we think and feel.Listen to organic farmer Skye from Cape Town saying how one ...
We are what we eat | 15.09.2024, 11:00
On Sunday 15 September 2024 at 11:00 am (Athens time) tune in to Infinitely Curious, the English-languge radio show of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn why food is so important for our body, mood, and lifespan, and why eating well changes the way we think and feel.Listen to organic farmer...
Infinitely Curious: Post-vacation Blues | 08.09.2024
Listen to Jennifer Wallace, Ben Fanning and Dr Marco de Nardin on how can one fight post vacation blues by doing one simple thing we love per day.Find out from holistic coach Natalia Ambrosia  how we can change our mind set to feel as if we’re on holiday 365 days a year without having to go somewhere.Learn fr...
Infinitely Curious: Sleep. One of the most important aspects of our life | 11.08.24
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world – Alzheimer’s, cancer, obesity, diabetes – has very strong causal links to de...