Giannis Bardanis spends four days alone and adrift on the Aegean when his boat suffers a mechanical failure.
Interviewee: Giannis BardanisInterview by: Efthymia PapagiannopoulouProducer: Stavros VlachosSound Designer: Dimitris PalaiogiannisSound Editor: Dimitris PapadakisTranslator: Steve LeverVoiceover:...
One night, the evening of the festival of Saint Paraskevi, Giannis Badanis is on a beach. Through the wind and the darkness, he hears voices from the sea, calling for help.
Interviewee: Giannis BardanisInterview by: Efthymia PapagiannopoulouProducer: Stavros VlachosSound Designer:...