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ΤΩΡΑ ΠΑΙΖΕΙ 16:05 - 17:00
Η Παγκόσμια Φωνή Μας
Π.Δίπλας, Δ. Κοντογιάννης
ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟ 17:00 - 18:00
Ταξιδεύοντας με Φως Ελληνικό
Γιάννης Παπουτσάκης


Greek Music Express: Immigration songs: Rembetiko | 13.07.2023
Foreign lands in rembetiko songs This is a rare collection of rebetiko songs created from the 1930s and the mid-1950s, which talk about the harsh realities of immigration Ρεμπέτικα της ξενιτιάς «Δε φοβούμαι βρε μαγκίτη και θα φύγω απ' την Αθήνα / στην Αμερική θα πάω πώς να σου το ειπώ / μέσα ...
Greek Music Express: Immigration songs -Haris Alexiou |12.07.2023
Haris Alexiou’s “Immigration Songs” The album “Immigration Songs” is unique in many respects: it contains performances by Greece’s top art-folk singer, Haris Alexiou; the songs had been recorded by 1987 but the album was eventually released in 2020; and there are not many collections with such a...
Greek Music Express: Immigration songs – G. Markopoulos | 11.07.2023
‘Immigrants’ by Giannis Markopoulos The 1974 album “Immigrants”, composed by Giannis Markopoulos and written by George Skourtis, defined an entire era of Greek song, when it was replete with social and political messages. Markopoulos described the album as “A cycle of songs, a bitter tribute by the co...
Greek Music Express: Immigration songs – D. Samiou | 10.07.2023
Domna Samiou’ “Far away from home” songs The week that starts today is dedicated to immigration and to the memory of all those immigrants and refugees who have died trying to cross the Mediterranean, including all those hundreds who perished at the Pylos migrant boat disaster on June 14, 2023. We st...