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ΕΠΟΜΕΝΟ 01:00 - 03:00
Πλανόδιες Μουσικές
Κώστας Θωμαϊδης

Ηρακλής Οικονόμου

Ο Ηρακλής Οικονόμου μοιράζεται τον χρόνο του μεταξύ Ερμούπολης και Αθήνας, και μεταξύ μουσικής, δημοσιογραφίας και πολιτικής επιστήμης. Είναι κάτοχος Διδακτορικού στη Διεθνή Πολιτική από το Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουαλίας Aberystwyth. Έχει επιμεληθεί τον τόμο Θάνος Μικρούτσικος: Κυνηγώντας την Ουτοπία (εκδ. Μετρονόμος, 2023) και έχει συν-επιμεληθεί την αυτοβιογραφική αφήγηση Μάνος Ελευθερίου: Μαλαματένια Λόγια (με Σ. Αραβανή, εκδ. Μεταίχμιο, 2021) και τον τόμο Ο Πουλαντζάς Σήμερα (με Χ. Γολέμη, εκδ. Νήσος, 2012). Στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας και στην αγγλόφωνη εκπομπή του με τίτλο Greek Music Express, αναδεικνύει καθημερινά το έργο μεγάλων δημιουργών και ερμηνευτών του ελληνικού τραγουδιού.
Greek Music Express 27-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 26-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 25-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 22-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 21-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 20-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 19-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 18-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 15-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 14-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 13-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 12-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 11-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...