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Κατερίνα Μπατζάκη

Η Κατερίνα Μπατζάκη σπούδασε Διεθνείς Σχέσεις στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουαλίας και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική στο Ινστιτούτο Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών του Ελεύθερου Πανεπιστημίου των Βρυξελλών. Εργάζεται αδιάλειπτα στο χώρο της επικοινωνίας και δημοσιογραφίας από το 2002. Εχει συνεργαστεί για χρόνια ως ρεπόρτερ στο ραδιόφωνο του BBC Business News, ως ανταποκρίτρια στην Deutsche Welle TV Berlin και ως εξωτερικός συνεργάτης του γαλλικού καναλιού ARTE. Δούλεψε στο ξενόγλωσσο διαδικτυακό ραδιόφωνο του Αθήνα 98.4 ως παρουσιάστρια, συντάκτρια και εκφωνήτρια δελτίων ειδήσεων στα αγγλικά και στα γαλλικά. Τα τελευταία χρόνια εργάζεται στην ΕΡΤ ως τηλεοπτική ρεπόρτερ, εκφωνήτρια ειδήσεων και ραδιοφωνική παραγωγός στα αγγλικά, παρουσιάζοντας την εκπομπή Infinitely Curious στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας. Είναι υπότροφος του Τμήματος Δημοσιογραφίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κολούμπια στον τομέα του Video Journalism, και μια εκ των 30 δημοσιογράφων από όλη την Ευρώπη που επιλέχθηκαν για να εκπροσωπούν τη χώρα τους στο European Journalism Centre σε ετήσια βάση. Μιλάει άπταιστα Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Ισπανικά και Γερμανικά.
Infinitely Curious: Aikido – The Art of Peace | 23.02.2025
Το Aikido δεν είναι μόνο τεχνική. Έχει να κάνει με την ισορροπία, την επίγνωση και τη σοφή χρήση της ενέργειας. Μας διδάσκει ότι η δύναμη δεν είναι πάντα η απάντηση - μερικές φορές, ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να προχωρήσουμε είναι να πάμε σε εναρμόνιση με την πρόκληση και όχι ενάντια σε αυτήν. Ο Morihei Ues...
Infinitely Curious: Wildlife on the edge – The work of ANIMA | 16.02.2025
Αγαπάμε την Ελλάδα για τα εκπληκτικά τοπία, τις μαγευτικές ακτές της και την πλούσια βιοποικιλότητά της. Αλλά έρχεται αντιμέτωπη και με μία σκληρή αλήθεια: η άγρια πανίδα της απειλείται. Βλέπουμε ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα όπως ποτέ άλλοτε, καύσωνες που μετατρέπουν τα δάση σε σπιρτόκουτα, πλημμύρες που ξεπλένουν...
Recreating the sounds of ancient Greek music | 09.02.2025
Ancient Greek music isn’t lost- it’s been rediscovered, hiding in ancient texts and mathematical codes.The Greeks didn’t just listen to music-they believed it could heal, educate, and even shape society. And thanks to modern research, we can now hear the echoes of a world more than 2,000 years old.O...
Infinitely Curious: Barn owls (Τυτώ, η κουκουβάγια του αγρού) | 02.02.2025
Tyto alba, “the barn owl”, soar silently through the night, their ghostly white feathers glowing in the moonlight. Majestic nocturnal hunters or ghostly omens of doom? The barn owl is one of nature’s most efficient pest controllers-is not just saving crops but also bridging political divides. What starte...
Infinitely Curious: Byzantium lives in the Ancient Agora | 26.01.2025
Athens is a city of reinvention. From the age of Pericles to the Byzantine Empire, its iconic temples and marketplaces have undergone transformations that reflect the ever-changing cultural and spiritual identity of its people. This episode of "Infinitely Curious", the English language program or...
Infinitely Curious: Jackhammering cancer | 19.01.2025
On this episode we’re delving into a groundbreaking development in cancer treatment—‘molecular jackhammers’ that eradicate cancer cells with remarkable efficiency. Listen to an interview with the lead researcher behind this innovation, Dr. Ciceron Ayala-Orozco from Rice University in Houston Texas U...
Infinitely Curious: Goodbye Lacan and Psychoanalysis? – An Interview with Richard C. Ledes  | 12.01.2025
What is it about psychoanalysis—and Lacan in particular—that still captivates us today?Jacques Lacan no doubt remains one of the most polarizing figures in psychoanalysis. His work, often described as a radical reinterpretation of Freud, dives deeply into language, the unconscious, and human des...
Infinitely Curious: The Illusion of Time  | 05.01.2025
Listen to this episode of the English-Language show "Infinitely Curious" with Katerina Batzaki and explore the science and the psychology of time. Hear Doctor of Philosophy and Neuroscience Marco A. Sotomayor briefly describing how human bodies naturally tell time. Listen to researcher Amber Stuver...
Infinitely Curious: Exploring faith – Why we believe | 22.12.2024
Hear renowned neuroscientist Andrew Huberman sharing his thoughts on how science and faith can coexist, reflecting on the awe-inspiring complexity of biology and the human brain. Listen to anthropologist and author of In Evolution and the Human Way of Being, Agustin Fuentes taking us on a fascinating ...
Heart and Mind: The EQ Connection (Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη) | 08.12.2024
Ever wondered what separates good leaders from great ones, or why some people just seem to have it all together while others struggle?The secret often lies in a powerful skill known as Emotional Intelligence, or EQ. Tune in this Sunday 8 December to the Infinitely Curious program of ERT and Voice of...
Infinitely Curious: Rewire your brain | 01.12.2024
Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English-language program of of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and explore the human brain by learning how to shift the way we think through the power of neuroplasticity. Listen to scientist Don Vaughn on the amazin...
Infinitely Curious: Zero-Cost Travel (Ταξίδι χωρίς κόστος) | 24.11.2024
Listen to this episode of Infinitely Curious, the English-language program of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn how one can travel without spending a dime. Find out from travel writer from Croatia Tomislav Perko, 29, how he hit the road and turned it into his home by usi...
Infinitely Curious: Into the Woods (Tα Μυστικά του Δάσους) | 17.11.2024, 11:00
Τhis Sunday 17 November 2024 the English-language show "Infinitely Curious" with Katerina Batzaki presents Stefan Al explaining why trees are so important to a city’s survival. Learn how a handful of young activists planted a small forest on a Portuguese hillside that had burned down in a terrible wi...
Infinitely Curious: Embracing menopause | 10.11.2024
Listen to the latest episode of “Infinitely Curious” with Katerina Batzaki, and learn how we can embrace- and perhaps tame- the annoying yet gentle dragon we call menopause.Listen to neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi about how decreasing hormonal levels affect brain aging.Learn from Dr. Lau...
Infinitely Curious: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Is it curable? | 03 Nov. 2024
Listen to this episode of "Infinitely Curious" with Katerina Batzaki, and learn why early intervention is important in treating ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).Listen to associate professor of marketing at Deree-The American College of Greece and researcher at I-Paidi, Dr. Ilias Kapareliotis, about why...
Infinitely Curious: Women & Career | 27.10.2024
Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English language program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and hear about the challenges of women balancing career and family life.Find out from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top ...
Infinitely Curious: Self-regulation in children | 20.10.2024
Infinitely Curious: Self-regulation in children | 20.10.2024Listen to this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English language show of Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, and learn about self-regulation and co-regulation, why it matters and why it is so important to be taught at a young age.  ...