October 23 marked the 97th anniversary of the birth of Manos Hadjidakis, the “Great Eroticist” of Greek song. Giannis Papoutsakis’ show ”Journeys basking in Greek light” presented on the anniversary of Manos Hadjidakis’ birthday, a two-hour tribute to our great composer; Guest Dimitris Theofilou – owner of “Magemenos Avlos” (‘Enchanted Flute)’, which was a favorite haunt of Hadjidakis and one of the best known meeting places of the intellectuals of that era, spoke about Manos as he knew him, about his friends, what he was like, what he liked to eat. Obviously, the show was interspersed with some of the most delightful songs of the composer of “’Odos Oneiron” (Dream Street)’!
Journeys Basking In Greek Light
Giannis Papoutsakis