Journalist and author Stelios Vradelis discusses his new book, “The Wrong Person, in the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time.” Speaking about it, he notes:“Throughout history, countless individuals—some unintentionally, others by choice—have shaped the fate of millions through their dec...
Journalist and author Stelios Vradelis discusses his new book, "The Wrong Person, in the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time." Speaking about it, he notes:"Throughout history, countless individuals—some unintentionally, others by choice—have shaped the fate of millions through their decisions. Human stu...
Ο μαστρο - Αντώνης Ραφελέτος από τη Σίφνο μιλάει στις «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ» και τη ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ για 2η ημέρα. Πρωτομπαρκάρησε από τον Πειραιά το 1964 με το φορτηγό πλοίο «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ» της Εταιρείας Ευγενίδη, αφού ήταν από το ίδιο νησί.
«Το καράβι έκανε τη γραμμή Λατινική Αμερι...
Ο μαστρο - Αντώνης Ραφελέτος από τη Σίφνο μιλάει στις «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ» και τη ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ. Δεν μετάνιωσε ποτέ για τα 35 χρόνια που δούλεψε και ταξίδεψε τη θάλασσα με το επάγγελμα του μηχανικού.
«Τελείωσα το σχολείο στη Σίφνο. Διαβάζαμε με το φως του ηλίου και με τη λάμπα πετρελαίου. Αργότερα ...
Ο κοσμήτορας στο τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά κ. Άγγελος Παντουβάκης μίλησε στις «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ» για την τελετή ορκωμοσίας- αποφοίτησης του του αγγλόφωνου master προγράμματος που γίνεται για 6η χρονιά. Τόνισε πόσο σημαντική είναι για την Ελλάδα της θάλασσας η ναυτική και η ναυτι...
The President of the Panhellenic Association of Retired Merchant Navy Captains (PESPEN), Captain Giorgos Exarchopoulos, spoke on "Fair Winds and Following Seas" about the work, issues, and challenges faced by the association, with the primary and most pressing concern being the reduction of pensions...
Dimitris K. Alexopoulos, author of the book “Relentless Radio” (Ασίγαστος Ασύρματος), shares the incredible story of his grandfather, Dimitris, who came from mountainous Phthiotis and achieved his dream of becoming a sailor, even though he had never seen the sea as a child. He became a wireless ope...
The author of the book “Relentless Radio” (Ασίγαστος Ασύρματος), Dimitris K. Alexopoulos, is the guest on "Saturday Shift", the weekend special edition of the show "Fair Winds and Following Seas" on Voice of Greece, on Saturday, January 25, 2025. He shares the incredible story of his grandfather, Di...
Captain Antonis Fytousis, from the village of Pitios in northern Chios, continued his storytelling and dive into the past with two incidents and events that marked his long career at sea. He didn’t fail to mention that, besides skills, the factor of luck is also essential.
In 1992, aboard the 150,000-ton O...
Deputy Minister of Shipping and Island Policy Stefanos Gikas discussed the two-day "landing," as he described it, of a large ministry delegation in Syros, led by Minister Christos Stylianides.
He highlighted the two most significant topics discussed in the capital of the Cyclades:
Securing European...
Educator and soft skills expert Vasiliki Xyfteri shares her deep love for the sea and discusses how sailors can manage various situations they encounter during their time at sea by utilizing soft skills.
She draws inspiration from her father, a sailor and practical second mate from Kranidi, who embarked...
Captain Antonis Fytousis from the village of Pitious in northern Chios spoke to "Fair Winds and Following Seas" about his beloved village with 47 residents and the reasons he pursued a career in the navy."It's a very lucrative profession, that's why I turned to the sea, which is one of my great passions....
Dr. Ioannis Patiniotis (aka Dr. Truth), CFO of a major shipping company, Chairman of the Expert Committee on Shipping of the EKO of New Democracy, Vice President of the Life Line charity foundation under Princess Katherine of Serbia, academic researcher in Human Resources, founder of...
Dr. Ioannis Patiniotis (aka Dr. Truth), CFO of a major shipping company, Chairman of the Expert Committee on Shipping of the EKO of New Democracy, Vice President of the Life Line charity foundation under Princess Katherine of Serbia, academic researcher in Human Resources, founder of the unique SHIPScraft...
Konstantinos Louvaris, a sound engineer at Greek Radio - ERT, from Tinos, talks about his beloved island and his experiences and travels in the Hellenic Navy, where he served as a leading seaman and signalman on the destroyer "KANARIS" and had several postings, including aboard the submarine "NIREUS."
The Kasos fisherman and beekeeper Michalis Papakanakis speaks on "Fair Winds and Following Seas" about his life at sea and how a young fisherman today experiences the profession.
At the age of eight, he first boarded the boat to help his father, and the sea, as he emphasizes, is his life and his...
Radio operator George Kalamas from Oinousses embarked on his first voyage on August 17, 1981, aboard the general cargo ship Thalassini Kyra (call sign J4QJ), traveling the Europe-Japan route. Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, many of whom were sailors, he chose the maritime profession, describing...
Angelos Simsirikis, a retired officer of the Hellenic Navy, decided at a very young age to dedicate his life to the sea and become a naval officer.
He was captivated by the world and environment of the bridge, the blue of the sea, and the endless horizon. The ships, machinery, bow, and the voyages...