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ON AIR 14:00 - 15:00
Greek Music Express
Hercules Economou
NEXT 15:00 - 16:00
The Elves Of Tradition
Maria Koutsimpiri

Pantazis Tsaras

Pantazis Tsaras was born in Athens in 1961 and spent the first five years of his life in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has a degree in Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue and Orchestration, as well as a degree in Drama. He is a percussion soloist in professional symphony orchestras. He has worked for the First Programme, the Second Programme, Kosmos FM and the Voice of Greece radio stations of the Hellenic Broadcast Corporation (ERT). He has served as the director of the Thord Programme. His radio show Dancing in the Rhythm of Swing is one of ERT’s longest-running music radio shows. He is currently hosting the show Greek Jazz Players on the Voice of Greece.
Ο Στάθης Άννινος και ο Κώστας Πατσιώτης στους «Έλληνες τζαζίστες» | 07.03.2025
Πιστοί  στην  συνάντηση μας με Έλληνες μουσικούς του χώρου κάθε τελευταία Παρασκευή του μηνός, ζωντανά από το στούντιο Β της ΕΡΑ και των Μουσικών Συνόλων. Την Παρασκευή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2025, καλεσμένοι του Πανταζή Τσάρα ήταν ο πιανίστας και συνθέτης Στάθης Άννινος και ο μπασίστας και επίσης συνθέτης Κώστας Π...
Lefteris Chavoutsas trio on “Greek Jazz Players” | 31 Jan. 2025
On the last Friday of each month, Greek jazz players improvise from Studio B of ERA’s Music Ensembles for the global audience of “Voice of Greece”, led by host Pantazis Tsaras. On Friday, January 31st, the jazz music gathering will featured the trio of guitarist and composer Lefteris Chavou...
Greek Jazz Players: George Tsolis Quartet | 16.10.2023
Pantazis Tsaras hosts on ERA's Studio B the international quartet of pianist George Tsolis, featuring trumpeter Jorge Vistel, double bassist Yusiff Barakat and drummer Owen Hart Jr. It is an encounter with this highly expressive group that takes us from Baroque and contemporary music to today's jazz,...
Greek Jazz Players: Giorgos Tsolis Quartet | 13.10.2023
Pantazis Tsaras hosts on ERA's Studio B the international quartet of pianist George Tsolis, featuring trumpeter Jorge Vistel, double bassist Yusiff Barakat and drummer Owen Hart Jr. It is an encounter with this highly expressive group that takes us from Baroque and contemporary music to today's jazz,...
Greek Jazz Players: George Tsolis Quartet | 13.10.2023
Pantazis Tsaras hosts on ERA's Studio B the international quartet of pianist George Tsolis, featuring trumpeter Jorge Vistel, double bassist Yusiff Barakat and drummer Owen Hart Jr. It is an encounter with this highly expressive group that takes us from Baroque and contemporary music to today's jazz,...
Greek Jazz Players with Teacheville Jazz Trio | 30.06.2023
The last episode for this season, on June 30th, with Greek jazz players and improvisers, performing their own compositions and more, live at studio B and E of ERA and Music Ensembles, 10 to 12 p.m. Greek time. Guests of the broadcasting program are the "Teacheville jazz trio", consisting of distinguished...
Greek Jazz Players | 26.05.2023
Στις 10 το βράδυ της τελευταίας Παρασκευής του Μαΐου, άλλη μια συνάντηση με τους μουσικούς της Ελληνικής τζαζ σκηνής του χτες, του σήμερα και του αύριο, φιλοξενήθηκε στο στούντιο Β της ΕΡΑ και των Μουσικών Συνόλων, από τον Πανταζή Τσάρα και την εκπομπή «Έλληνες Τζαζίστες στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας». Το τ...
Greek Jazz Players | 15.04.2023
Another meeting with the musicians of the Greek jazz scene of the past, present and future was hosted in Studio B of the Greek Radio and the Music Ensembles, by Pantazis Tsaras and the show "Greek Jazz Players on the Voice of Greece". The trio of the multidimensional pianist, composer and improviser...
Greek Jazz Players with guest Takis Petrelis | 24.02.2023
Pantazis Tsaras and the Voice of Greece, welcomed Takis Paterelis in the context of the live radio recordings in the Greek Radio’s Studio B. A singular solo performance on the saxophone and piano, by one of the most important jazzmen of Greece, with a career spanning from the ‘80s to this day.
Greek Jazz Players with guest Manos Athanasiadis | 27.01.2023
Pianist, composer and performer Manos Athanasiadis is the hosted guest. A music-generating meeting in Studio B of the Greek Radio and the music ensembles, with the pianist's writings, selections from international and Greek literature, as well as songs by jazz player Manos Athanasiadis.
Greek Jazz Players with Pantazis Tsaras | 25.11.2022
Tο Παγκόσμιο Ραδιόφωνο, φιλοξενήθηκε το νέο μουσικό «ΑΝΟΙΚΤΟ ΠΑΡΑΘΥΡΟ», που συνδυάζει την πολύχρονη εμπειρία του Νίκου Σιδηροκαστρίτη και του Χάρη Λαμπράκη με τον ενθουσιασμό του Βύρωνα Ντόλα και του Χάρη Χαραλάμπους, από τη νέα γενιά της ελληνικής τζαζ σκηνής.Μία μουσικοποιητική περιπέτεια με δίκες του ...
Greek Jazz Players | 10.28.2022
“Human Touch” was hosted on “Voice of Greece” and on the show “Greek Jazz Players” with Pantazis Tsaras. They presented anecdotal material, exclusively for the listeners in Greece and Greeks all around the world, live from studio B of the Hellenic Radio. “Human Touch” is one of the most notable mu...
Greek Jazz Players | 09.30.2022
Pantazis Tsaras, on Friday, September 30, 2022 at 02:00, on the show “Greek Jazz Players”, features the quartet of Cretan lyre player Petros Saridakis, in a concert taking place in Greek Radio studio, exclusively for the friends of the Voice of Greece. The journey never ends for the music group of ...