ON AIR 06:00 - 08:00
Greek Traditional Music
Maria Koutsimpiri
NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Christos Pagonis

Christos Pagonis, originally from Milos Island, was born in Athens. He is a professional journalist, a member of JUADN (Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers), and a father. As a trained Civil Engineer, he has worked for 10 years at engineering and financial service firms. He has worked for newspapers (‘’Kedros’’ etc.), magazines (‘’METRO’’, ‘’Agora’’ etc.) and portals (kerdos.gr, bluebirds.gr, miloslife.gr). He has hosted shows on TV (ERT1, ERT2, Ertnews) and radio (Filia, the Second Programme, the Voice of Greece). As a lyricist, he has collaborated with G. Dalaras, A. Katsigiannis, A. Plessas, B. Tsertos, and more. He currently hosts the show Two Faces on the Voice of Greece, with Prokopis Angelopoulos.

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