Dimitris Kontogiannis

Dimitris Kontogiannis holds a Ph.D. in Macroeconomics and International Finance from the City University of New York; he is a journalist, a producer of a show about Greek expatriates on the Voice of Greece and a producer of a financial broadcast on ERT’s First Programme. Previously, he had worked with Reuters, ‘’Eleftherotypia’’ newspaper, and was a columnist for the English edition of ‘’Kathimerini’’ newspaper. He has been an associate of ‘’the Financial Times’’ for years and has written for several magazines, including ‘’Euromoney’’. He has also commented on Greek financial affairs on foreign networks such as BBC, BBC Radio, German ZDF, and the Chinese channel CCTV, among others. He has taught economics at American universities, like Baruch College and Hunter College. He is currently hosting the show Our Global Voice on the Voice of Greece, along with Petros Diplas.