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ON AIR 16:05 - 17:00
Our Global Voice
Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
NEXT 17:00 - 18:00
Journeys Basking In Greek Light
Giannis Papoutsakis

Anna Prokova

Anna Prokova is a translator and journalist, specializing in cultural reporting. She has a master's degree in film theory, a love affair with music and she likes to wander, in every possible way. She's a city child, with a soft spot for garage rock and songs about the moon. She oscillates between auteur cinema and cult horror films, perfectionism and impulsiveness, collective excitement and subjective melancholy.
Ο ιστορικός Δημήτρης Μπαχάρας εξηγεί “Πώς και γιατί φτάσαμε στην ελληνική επανάσταση” | 29.03.2025, 13:00
Οι "Ιστορικοί Περίπατοι" του Σαββάτου με τη Μαριλένα Κατσίμη, και με ξεναγό τον ιστορικό Δημήτρη Μπαχάρα και το νέο του βιβλίο, ταξιδεύουν στην Πελοπόννησο και εξερευνούν τις ζωές των προκρίτων, δηλαδή των τοπικών αρχόντων του Μοριά. Στόχος είναι να καταλάβουμε πώς και γιατί επαναστάτησαν. Τι ώθησε ανθρώπους π...
Αφιέρωμα στον ποιητή Γιώργο Μπλάνα | 29.03.2025, 12:00
Αφιέρωμα στον Γιώργο Μπλάνα | 29.03.2025, 12:00Το Σάββατο 29 Μαρτίου 2025 και ώρα Ελλάδας 12:00-13:00, η εκπομπή «Η Δική μας Πόλη» θα κάνει ένα μικρό αφιέρωμα στον ποιητή και μεταφραστή Γιώργο Μπλάνα, έναν από τους κύριους εκπρόσωπους της λογοτεχνικής γενιάς του ΄80. Η εκπομπή θα προσπαθήσει ν’ αναδείξει ...
Pirates and Corsairs in the Greek Seas: Thanos Kondylis on “Saturday Shift” | 29 Mar. 2025, 08:00
Thanos Kondylis, PhD in History from the University of Athens and author, will be the guest on Kales Thalasses – Saturday Watch with Antonis Karagiannakis on Voice of Greece on Saturday, March 29, at 8:00 AM (Greek time). The discussion will revolve around his new book, Pirates and Privateers in the Greek Seas. Thanos Kondylis will explore piracy in Greek waters, which, according to his research, is a timeless phenomenon that began to develop in the late Middle Ages and persisted with varying intensity until the 19th century. Reading excerpts from his book, the author will discuss the impact of ... Read more
Voice of Greece celebrates World Theatre Day | 26 & 27 Mar. 2025
One of the most significant art forms, Theatre, was born in Greece. More than 1,000 performances are staged in Athens alone every year. At the same time, every Greek community abroad has its own Greek theatre group. Voice of Greece, ERT’s international radio, celebrates World Theatre Day with radio t...
The Greek National Anniversary of March 25th on Voice of Greece
On Tuesday, March 25, 2025, on the day of our national anniversary, Voice of Greece will celebrate the day with Greeks all over the world through a rich festive program that includes special tributes, interviews, and music. Specifically: At 08:00 AM Athens time on Tuesday, the tribute episode...
Tribute to Giorgos Sarantaris | 24 Mar. 2025, 22:00
On Monday, March 24, from 22:00 to 23:00 Athens time, "Our Town" will present a tribute to Giorgos Sarantaris. This remarkable poet and thinker was cherished in a unique way by poetry lovers, leaving behind a powerful poetic legacy. Some of Greece’s greatest poets wrote about him, including Odysseas E...
Tribute to Manolis Angelopoulos | 23 Mar. 2025, 12:00
On Sunday, March 23, 2025, from 12:00 to 14:00 (Athens time) – with a rebroadcast on Monday, March 24, from 04:00 to 06:00 – the program "Our Town" will present a tribute to Manolis Angelopoulos. The renowned singer left a powerful mark on Greek popular music. Throughout his long career, he collaborated wit...