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Dimitris Lyridis on ”Fair Winds and Following Seas – Saturday Shift” | 02.12.2023, 08.00

Dimitris Lyridis, Associate Professor and Director of the Department of Ship Design and Maritime Transport of the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NMM) of the National Technical University of Athens joins the show on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 8:00 am, on Voice of Greece and the show “Fair Winds and Following Seas – Weekend shift” curated and hosted by Antonis Karagiannakis.

Dimitris Lyridis characteristically mentions that “the Greek students at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the NTUA are at a significantly advanced level. At the end of their studies, they are absorbed by the shipping market both in Greece and abroad (shipyards, shipping companies, classification societies, etc.) to a satisfactory degree, however many also continue their studies in fine educational institutions abroad. Our School at the NTUA is considered one of the very best Schools in the world”.

Speaking on ship building in Greece, Mr. Lyridis emphasizes “the know-how in Greek shipyards, but bigger investments are needed to build a ship here in our country. We hope that shipbuilding will become one of our key economies, as this is already heard, little by little and in various ways.”

At the same time, in order for the Greek shipyards to move forward, Mr. Lyridis says that “we have to want it and believe in this a lot. We must have a good and well-trained workforce and, of course, better organization in our shipyards so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Old and large shipowners are also making an effort to support our shipbuilding industry. The question is whether the industry is able to respond.”

We talk about our shipbuilding industry, shipyards, tarsanas shipyards, and the highly interesting projects-studies in the field of shipbuilding that he has set up and is running with his students at NTUA all these years.

Many interesting things are talked about on this special radio journey on “FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS-WEEKEND SHIFT” on VOICE OF GREECE with Antonis Karagiannakis; don’t miss it. The show airs on Saturday, December 2, with a rerun at 8:00 in the evening.