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ON AIR 06:00 - 08:00
Greek Traditional Music
Maria Koutsimpiri
NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

”Saturday Shift” about the Greek naval mutiny of May 1973 | 09 Mar. 2024, 08:00

In May 1973, the destroyer “Velos” of the Greek Navy withdrew from the NATO exercise in which it participated off the coast of Sardinia and took refuge in Fiumicino, Italy, with the aim of mobilizing the Greek fleet to overthrow the Dictatorship of the Colonels and to make known to the whole world the political problem of Greece with all that this entails.

What was the Navy Movement against the dictatorship in May 1973? And how did it come to be a landmark symbol against the regime of the Colonels?

How the movement was set up, what was the situation in those days in the ranks of the navy and much more we discuss on “FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS – WEEKEND SHIFT”, by Antonis Karagiannakis and VOICE OF GREECE with distinguished guests.

The postgraduate researcher at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and author of the book “The Navy’s Movement”, Konstantinos Stratos; the Professor of History at the University of Athens Vangelis Karamanolakis; and the Lieutenant Commander – Lieutenant of the torpedo boat “Sfendoni” at the time, Admiral Angelos Chrysikopoulos.


Ο Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της Ένωσης Λιμένων Ελλάδος Βασίλης Μάμαλης στις “Καλές Θάλασες – Βάρδια Σαββάτου” | 06.07.2024, 08:00
To Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου και ώρα Ελλάδας 08.00-10.00 ο Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της Ένωσης Λιμένων Ελλάδος και μέλος του ΔΣ του Μουσείου Ναυτικής Παράδοσης κ. Βασίλης Μάμαλης είναι ο καλεσμένος στη ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και την εκπομπή «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ-ΒΑΡΔΙΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΥ» του Αντώνη Καραγιαν...