Series: The unknown story behind a photograph
In July 1952, the monarchy in Egypt was overthrown by a coup by the Free Officers under Gamal Abdel Nasser, and a National Guard was organized for the first time with the participation of women. In all the magazines and newspapers of the time, the iconic photograph of a young female National Guard in a posture of attention, with a gun, stands out, serving as a model of the “new Egypt”. But who is the woman in the photo? What is her story and what does she have to do with the then large Greek community, medicine, Port Said and the Suez Canal?
Narrator: Poppy Nikandrou-Deligiorgis
Interview: Maya Filippopoulou
Podcast Creation: Maya Filippopoulou
Sound Design: Iasonas Theofanou
Audio Editing: Spyros Lymperopoulos