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Greek Music Express: CAROLS, GOBLINS AND OUDS: The Unsmiling City and the Elves by the Katsimiha brothers | 27 Dec. 2024
Greek Music Express Hercules Economou
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Greek Music Express: CAROLS, GOBLINS AND OUDS: The Unsmiling City and the Elves by the Katsimiha brothers | 27 Dec. 2024

Today, we are concluding our Christmas-themed week here on GME with a wonderful fairytale that two brothers and renowned singers-songwriters wrote for the kids of all ages. Our destination: The Unsmiling City and the Goblins (or Elves), by Haris and Panos Katsimihas: ‘Once upon a time, there was a city that stood out from all the others in the entire country, a beautiful city but always sad. The people were unsmiling, passive, distant – they didn’t know what a smile and love meant. Each of them only minded their own business, ‘good morning’ was expensive as if it were gold, the children never played in the streets, there was never celebration or dancing, and that’s how it got its name: The Unsmiling City. I know this city. I was born there. And I still remember some Christmas, when the elves came and turned everything upside down’.

Produced and presented by Hercules Economou

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