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Journeys Basking in Greek Light: The value of smiling | 16 Jan. 2025
Journeys Basking In Greek Light Giannis Papoutsakis
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Journeys Basking in Greek Light: The value of smiling | 16 Jan. 2025

“The value of smiling in our lives” was the theme of Giannis Papoutsakis’ show “Journeys Basking in Greek Light” on January 16. The dentist/oral surgeon Agni Giakoumi discussed the value of a smile and how we can smile without fear or hesitation through proper oral hygiene. The show featured cheerful songs by Kostas Hatzis, Paschalis, the Katsimichas Brothers, Fotis Polymeri, Toni Maroudas, Giannis Kalatzis, and others.

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