The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Greek poetry, from antiquity to the present day. The show pays tributes to prominent Greek poets and representatives of modern Greek poetry, featuring interviews and rare audio recordings.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Ο νέος και πολύ ταλαντούχος συγγραφέας Μαρίνος Γεωργιόπουλος ήταν καλεσμένος του Γιάννη Παπουτσάκη στα ‘’Ηλιοτρόπια’’ της 10ης Ιουλίου, σε μια συζήτηση γύρω από το μυθιστόρημά του ''Το κτήνος του Λονδίνου''! Η εκπομπή διανθίστηκε με ροκ συνθέσεις των: Βarclay James Harvest, Kansas, Al Stewart, Sant...
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
‘’Το μέσα μου φως’’ τιτλοφορείται η νέα δισκογραφική δουλειά του συνθέτη Δημήτρη Κάσσαρη, τον οποίο φιλοξένησε στις 5 Ιουλίου η εκπομπή ‘’Ταξιδεύοντας με φως ελληνικό’’ του Γιάννη Παπουτσάκη. Στη εκπομπή ακούστηκαν τραγούδια από ‘’Το μέσα μου φως’’ με τις φωνές των Γιώργου Νταλάρα, Ρίτας Αντωνο...
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Author Maria Papageorgiou is a guest on this episode of Heliotrope with Giannis Papoytsakis, on the occasion of the publication of her new novel ''Drink Your Tea,, Semiramis''. The show featured songs by the Beatles, Enrico Macias, Jose Feliciano, Aretha Franklin, Shirley Bassey Arletta and Pink Ma...
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Greek poetry, from antiquity to the present day. The show pays tributes to prominent Greek poets and representatives of modern Greek poetry, featuring interviews and rare audio recordings.
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Greek poetry, from antiquity to the present day. The show pays tributes to prominent Greek poets and representatives of modern Greek poetry, featuring interviews and rare audio recordings.