The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
Olive oil from Plomari, roe from Aetoliko, honey from Kastoria, aged tsipouro from Evia, Assyrtiko from Santorini, kashkaval cheese from Lemnos, mung beans from Messinia. The show emphasizes gastronomy and ‘sets the table’ at the Voice of Greece studio, inviting farmers, producers, nutritionists, exh...
Christina Tsardikou, president of the cultural organization “Nostos” of Argentina and president of the Union of Greek Writers and Authors of the Five Continents, live from the studio of “The Voice of Greece”, on the show “Faraway Words”.
We talk about the actions of the two organizations, and about h...
On the occasion of a musical evening dedicated to Bob Dylan (July 11 at the archaeological museum), internationally renowned visual artist Mara Karetsos had a most interesting conversation with Natasa Vissarionos in the studio of the Voice of Greece.
She talked about her life abroad but also about...
The President of the European Society of Rheumatology and Professor of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology at the University of Bochum, Germany, Xenophon Baraliakos, was invited by phone to this episode of Faraway Words. Kosta Zhonga was also our guest, the initiator of the Dropoli International Short...
Olive oil from Plomari, roe from Aetoliko, honey from Kastoria, aged tsipouro from Evia, Assyrtiko from Santorini, kashkaval cheese from Lemnos, mung beans from Messinia.
The show emphasizes gastronomy and ‘sets the table’ at the Voice of Greece studio, inviting farmers, producers, nutritionists, exh...
Founder and owner of the Greek "Desmos" bookstore in Paris Mr. Yiannis Mavroidakos was a guest from France in the studio of the "Voice of Greece" and he talked with Natasa Vissarionos on the occasion of the celebrations for the 40 years of operation in Paris and Athens.
Mr. Mavroidakos unfolded...
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
New York-based political scientist and novelist Themis Zanidis is a guest on this episode of Faraway Words.
Olive oil from Plomari, roe from Aetoliko, honey from Kastoria, aged tsipouro from Evia, Assyrtiko from Santorini, kashkaval cheese from Lemnos, mung beans from Messinia.
The show emphasizes gastronomy and ‘sets the table’ at the Voice of Greece studio, inviting farmers, producers, nutritionists, exh...
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
Olive oil from Plomari, roe from Aetoliko, honey from Kastoria, aged tsipouro from Evia, Assyrtiko from Santorini, kashkaval cheese from Lemnos, mung beans from Messinia. The show emphasizes gastronomy and ‘sets the table’ at the Voice of Greece studio, inviting farmers, producers, nutritionists, exh...
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
The show covers top stories of the Greek Diaspora, featuring interviews with Greek expats or natives who choose to leave Greece behind to travel, study, or work abroad.
Σήμερα στη Γλυκιά ζωή είναι καλεσμένοι: Η Θεανώ Πασχάλη και ο Ζαφείριος Τσάκος μας ξεναγούν στην αυθεντική παραδοσιακή κουζίνα όλων των πληθυσμιακών ομάδων της Κομοτηνής μέσα από το βιβλίο τους "Η Κομοτηνή στο πιάτο".
Ο καθηγητής φυσικής αγωγής και γευσιγνώστης Νεκτάριος Μπέκας μας μυεί στο winelates.
Ο ζυθοπ...
Τη Δευτέρα 29 Μαΐου η εκπομπή "Κουβέντες μακρινές" ταξίδεψε νοερά στην Αγγλία. Καλεσμένη στην εκπομπή ήταν η σκηνοθέτρια και ηθοποιός Αναστασία Ρεβή. Η κα. Ρεβή είναι καλλιτεχνική διευθύντρια του Theatre Lab Company που εδρεύει στο Λονδίνο από το 1997 και παρουσιάζει ελληνικά κατά βάση θεατρικά έργ...