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NEXT 06:00 - 08:00
Greek Traditional Music
Maria Koutsimpiri

Athanasios Houpis

Ο Αθανάσιος Χούπης γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Είναι πτυχιούχος του Παιδαγωγικού Τμήματος του ΑΠΘ και κάτοχος μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου. Δημοσιογράφος από το 1985, υπήρξε πολιτικός και διπλωματικός συντάκτης, παρουσιαστής τηλεοπτικών και ραδιοφωνικών εκπομπών και παραγωγός βραβευμένων ντοκιμαντέρ. Ξεκίνησε να εργάζεται στην ΕΡΤ από το 1990. Είναι συγγραφέας του βιβλίου Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη: Παράπλευρες ζημιές – Παράπλευρες εικόνες. Τα θεμέλια της μακροχρόνιας κρίσης στη Βαλκανική». Στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας παρουσιάζει την καθημερινή εκπομπή Έλληνες Παντού.
Stefanos Mytilinaios on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 06 Aug. 2024
Stefanos Mytilinaios, Diplomatic Editor, on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Chrysovalantis Andreou on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 05 Aug. 2024
Chrysovalantis Andreou, Ambassador of the European Parliament in Cyprus (2022-2023), on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Spyros Plakoudas on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 05 Aug. 2024
Dr. Spyros Plakoudas, Assistant Professor of National Security at "Rabdan Academy" in the UAE, featured on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Angela Kaimaiklioti on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 01 Aug. 2024
Angela Kaimaiklioti from Famagusta, Cyprus, on "Hellenes Everywhere".
Klearchos Kyriakides on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 31 July 2024
Dr. Klearchos Kyriakides, Professor at Lancaster University, on "Hellenes Everywhere."
Panagiotis Pavlos on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 30 July 2024
Panagiotis Pavlos, Philosophy Researcher at the University of Oslo, on "Hellenes Everywhere".
Leontios Portokalakis on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 29 July 2024
Leontios Portokalakis, Engineer and Economist, on "Hellenes Everywhere".
Theodoros Karyotis on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 28 July 2024
Dr. Theodoros Karyotis, Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland, USA, featured in the program "Hellenes Everywhere".
Aris Petasis on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 27 July 2024
Aris Petasis, international organisational strategy consultant /author, on "Hellenes Everywhere".
Dimitrios Drosos on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 25 July 2024
Dimitrios Drosos, Retired Major General of Hellenic Air Force, Strategic Analyst (MBA, MHSA, MPH, MSc in Finance, LLB, BSc) The show ‘Hellenes Everywhere” with Thanasis Houpis is dedicated to Greek diaspora organizations fighting for the future of Greece and Cyprus.
Meletis Meletopoulos on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 25 July 2024
Meletis Meletopoulos on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis, on the occcasion of the 50 years from the restoration of Democracy in Greece.
Marios Efthymiopoulos on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 23 July 2024
Dr. Marios Efthymiopoulos, Associate Professor in International Security and Strategy at the Neapolis Paphos University in Cyprus, on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Athanasios G. Platias on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 22 July 2024
Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης Αποτέλεσμα μετάφρασης Dr. Athanasios G. Platias, Professor of Strategy at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus, in “Greeks everywhere”.
Stephanos Constantinides on “Hellenes Everywhere ” | 21 July 2024
Stephanos Constantinides,  Director of the Centre for Hellenic Studies and Research Canada - KEEK and Academic Journal 'Hellenic Studies', on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Vassilis Kappis on “Hellenes Everywhere ” | 21 July 2024
Dr. Vassilis (Bill) Kappis, Deputy Director and Senior Lecturer at the Center for Security and Intelligence Studies in the University of Buckingham on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Giannis Shekersavvas on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 18 July 2024
 Ioannis Shekersavvas, Secretary of the Greek Cypriot Refugee Association “Adouloti Kyrenia”, on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis.
Dr. Petros Savvidis on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 17 July 2024
Dr. Petros Savvidis, Phd, Modern History of Cyprus, on "Hellenes Everywhere" with Thanasis Houpis
Savas Tsivikos on “Hellenes Everywhere” | 16 July 2024
Savas Tsivikos, AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) Supreme Secretary, on “Hellenes Everywhere” with Thanasis Houpis