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NEXT 06:15 - 07:05
Sing-along Songs
“They tried to kill us all” (Greek Audio)
In January 1946, four-year-old Dimitra Petroula is playing in the yard of her house in Mani, when armed men from organization X suddenly appear. "Where's your mother, kid?" they ask her. Narrator: Dimitra Petroula Researcher: Antonia Michalakakou Podcast Creation: Maya Filippopoulou Sound...
Stories of workplace madness (Greek Audio)
A young man is looking for a job in the years of the economic crisis and is confronted with unbelievable situations. Narrator: Alexandros Konstantinidis Researcher: Stathis Konstantinidis Podcast Creation: Stavros Vlachos Sound Design: Nikolas Konstantinou Audio...
Growing up primitively in a mountain hut (Greek Audio)
Thirty years old today, Giorgos Tzovanis grew up in the 1990s, very differently from other children his age. He lived with his family in a makeshift cattle hut in the mountains of Arcadia without electricity and running water, helped his parents with their work from the age of five and walked for more...
The poppy and the opium poppy (Greek Audio)
In a field outside Palaiokastro, Serres in the 1950s, a family grows poppies without knowing the "side effects" of the plant. Narrator: Alexandridou Koula Researcher: Konstantinos Doganis Podcast creation: Maya Filippopoulou Sound Design: Nikolas Konstantinou Audio...
Black and Greek (Greek Audio)
Born of a Greek mother and a Ghanaian father, Loukas Loukas shows us what happens when your identity “doesn't match” the color of your skin. Narrator: Loukas Kemavor Researcher: Koutsogiannis Vasilis Podcast Creation: Maya Filippopoulou Sound Design: Dim...
My great grandmother, the Amorgos fairy (Greek Audio)
Who was the legendary fairy of Amorgos, who was magically “tied” and then married to the pirate, Yiorgos Kaoutsos? Her great-grandson Antonis Roussos tells her story. Narrator: Antonis Roussos Researcher: Ευθυμία Παπαγιαννοπούλου Podcast Creation: Maya Filippopoulou Sound Design: Alex Retsis S...
Guerilla soldier at sixteen (Greek Audio)
In occupied Vermio in 1942, sixteen-year-old Giorgos Aslanidis joins the guerrillas. He takes part in battles, escapes death many times and witnesses the massacre of his village by the Nazis and their collaborators. Narrator: Giorgos Aslanidis Researcher: Niki Fotiadou Podcast...
An encounter with the man who burned down my village (Greek Audio)
When the Germans burn the village of Kosmas in Arcadia, Yorgos Mermigkas loses everything. Greek Nazi collaborators also participate in the burning. Years later, he comes face to face with one of them. Narrator: Yorgos Mermigkas Researcher: Angeliki Katti Podcast Creation:...
Testimonial of an Organization X member (Greek Audio)
During the civil war, in Laconia, Vasilis Georgoulis joins Organization X and takes part in raids with the armed gang of the notorious Giannis Pavlakos. Narrator: Vasilis Georgoulis Researcher: Victoria Delakovia Podcast Creation: Stavros Vlachos Sound Design: Iasonas Theofanou Audio...
The first TV in the village (Greek Audio)
In 1971 a rich uncle brings a television to Manolis Bardanis' house, the first television in the village of Apeiranthos of Naxos. Immediately, all the neighbors gather to see this strange acquisition. Narrator: Manolis Bardanis Researcher: Efthymia Papagiannopoulou Podcast creation: Maya...
Take Your Time
The episode of TAKE YOUR TIME on Thursday, November 17 had an anniversary atmosphere. Featuring songs associated with the anti-dictatorship struggle or censored by the Junta, the episode had as a guest the editorial director of the newspaper NEOS KOSMOS in Melbourne, Sotiris Hatzimanolis, who talked...
Leonidas Vardaros on TIME IN GREECE
Ο αναγνωρισμένος και βραβευμένος σκηνοθέτης Λεωνίδας Βαρδαρός μιλάει στην ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και τον Νικόλα Αγγελίδη για το έργο του... και τις τελευταίες του δημιουργίες. Αυτή την εποχή δουλεύει το δεύτερο σκέλος του Ντοκιμαντέρ Γυναίκες μαχήτριες - Η τριπλή Απελευθέρωση. Είναι μια σπουδαία δουλειά για τι...
The Doctor of Gyaros (Greek Audio)
Lampros Vazaios describes his experiences in the exile camp for political prisoners in Gyaros, but also in the camp in Leros, where he was assigned as a military doctor during the dictatorship. Narrator: Lampros Vazaios Interview: Stavros Vlachos Podcast creation: Stavros Vlachos Sound...
In a matter of seconds (Greek Audio)
Μια βροχερή νύχτα, δύο αδερφές ξεκινούν να πάνε σε μια παραλία στη Μονεμβασιά. Ενώ περνούν από μια γέφυρα, τα λάστιχα γλιστρούν και φεύγουν στο κενό. Αφηγήτρια: Αφροδίτη ΣόβολουΕρευνήτρια: Νικόλας ΔροσόπουλοςΔημιουργία Podcast: Μάγια ΦιλιπποπούλουΣχεδιασμός Ήχου: Δημήτρης ΠαλαιογιάννηςΕπεξεργασία Ήχου: Δημήτρης ΠαπαδάκηςΣκηνοθεσία βίντεο/Φωτογραφίες: Μιχάλης Μπέκος Το Istorima είναι το μεγαλύτερο έργο καταγραφής και διάσωσης προφορικών ιστοριών της Ελλάδας. Πάνω από 1.000 ... Περισσότερα
Πάρε τον Χρόνο σου, Παρασκευή, 28 Οκτωβρίου 2022
Μια διαφορετική από τις συνηθισμένες εκπομπή άκουσαν οι φίλες και οι φίλοι της Φωνής της Ελλάδας, την Παρασκευή, 28 Οκτωβρίου, εκτάκτως 6-8 το πρωί, ώρα Ελλάδας. Το πρωτο μέρος ήταν αφιερωμένο στην επέτειο του αγώνα των Ελλήνων κατά των Ιταλών, στο Αλβανικό μέτωπο. Ο Προκόπης Αγγελόπουλος συνομίλησε με το...
“Πνεύμα Γηγενές”- Βραβείο Οδυσσέας στο 7o Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ντοκιμαντέρ Καστελλορίζου | 08.09.2022
Την Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 ,12:00 ώρα Ελλάδας, η εκπομπή «Αποτύπωμα» της «Φωνής της Ελλάδας» με τη Φούλη Ζαβιτσάνου, συνάντησε τη Βίκυ Μαρκολέφα και το Βασίλη Φουρκιώτη, βασικούς συντελεστές του ντοκιμαντέρ «Πνεύμα Γηγενές» (Βραβείο Οδυσσέας, 7o Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ντοκιμαντέρ Καστελλορίζου 2022 «Πέρα από τα Σύνορα»). Η Βίκυ Μαρκολέφα είναι φωτογράφος, σκηνοθέτρια και παραγωγός του ντοκιμαντέρ ... Περισσότερα
Photojournalist Marios Lolos on ‘”Unguarded Passage” | 01 June 2022
Marios Lolos was hosted in the studio of Voice of Greece, by Thomas Sideris, in the program "Unguarded Passage", in a radio documentary, dedicated to the photographer and former president of the Union of Greek Photographers. The photographer recalled in his memory fugitive images of people and events,...
The show TWO PERSPECTIVES BUT MANY VIEWS broadcast on Monday, May 2, regarding the history of the Labor Movement in Greece, and the attack on labor rights over the last ten years. The show hosted Dimitris Katsoridas, scientific associate of the INE-GSEE, and Marlen Asimakopoulou, lawyer and labor expert. What...