The show “Journeys Basking in Greek Light” March 12 is a tribute to the dearly departed, well-loved yet unassuming composer Stavros Kougioumtzis, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of his death! The show features songs that have stood the test of time, performed by Giorgos Dalaras (the main per...
On Sunday, March 12th, the show "Our Town" presented a tribute to Lena Platonos.
The composer, poet and pioneering artist discussed with Themis Rodamitis about her special interests: classical music, jazz, folk singing, visual arts, dance.
She spoke about electronic music, in which she has been a...
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
A broadcast curated and presented by Giannis Psychogios.
A beginning of a new day, with music chosen by Giannis Psychogios, together with the listeners of ERT's globally available radio station "Voice of Greece".
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Songs of memory
“You said what you had to say. Attention! When memory returns, it takes revenge…”. Songs of memory fulfilling the only duty of those left behind: to remember!
Beloved melodies from the early 20th century and on.
Songs and stories of the interwar era, "archondorebetika", new wave and "éntekhno".
A musical journey to the world of Greek singing.
A broadcast curated and presented by Giannis Psychogios.
A beginning of a new day, with music chosen by Giannis Psychogios, together with the listeners of ERT's globally available radio station "Voice of Greece".
Την Πέμπτη 9 Μαρτίου, στις 18:00 ώρα Ελλάδας στη “Φωνή της Ελλάδας” η εκπομπή “Φωνές και μουσικές” που παρουσιάζει και επιμελείται ο Αλέξης Κώστας ταξίδεψε στην Αυστραλία με καλεσμένη τη Χαρά Βάκρινου, ένα νεαρό κορίτσι που ζει αυτό το διάστημα στην Αυστραλία και ασχολείται με τον χορό. Η ζωή μέσα από τα μάτια ...
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Songs of loss & departure
Songs about departing, about leaving and losing - because songs are the best way to express and heal one’s pain. Once again, a broadcast dedicated to the memory of the victims of the train crash at Tempi
A broadcast curated and presented by Giannis Psychogios.
A beginning of a new day, with music chosen by Giannis Psychogios, together with the listeners of ERT's globally available radio station "Voice of Greece".
Songs of sorrow
Songs reflecting the widespread feeling of sorrow generated collectively by the railway tragedy at Tempi, the unbearable loss of life, and the permanent ineffectiveness of the Greek state and government.
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Beloved melodies from the early 20th century and on.
Songs and stories of the interwar era, "archondorebetika", new wave and "éntekhno".
A musical journey to the world of Greek singing.
A broadcast curated and presented by Giannis Psychogios.
A beginning of a new day, with music chosen by Giannis Psychogios, together with the listeners of ERT's globally available radio station "Voice of Greece".
On March 6, Giannis Papoutsakis' "Heliotrope" is joined by distinguished author Konstantina Kontomari, who talks about her book Little_Heroes-great_leaders, which is an international success. The broadcasting program is interspersed with songs by Melina Mercouri, the international Greek who "passed...
The entire week is dedicated to the memory of those who died at the train crash of February 28, an event that shocked (and enraged) the entire Greek society. The laments are a unique expression of grief provided to us through tradition but also present in contemporary music produ...
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