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NEXT 18:00 - 18:05
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 17.01.2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
Journeys Basking in Greek Light… with the aroma of an old café! | 16.01.2024
Ένα αφιέρωμα στην ιστορία των καφενείων παρουσίασε η εκπομπή ''Ταξιδεύοντας με φως ελληνικό'' του Γιάννη Παπουτσάκη στις 15 Ιανουαρίου. Με τραγούδια που αναφέρονται σ' αυτά από τις φωνές της Μελίνας Μερκούρη,, του Νταλάρα, του Μητροπάνου,του Λοϊζου, της Γαλάνη, της Βίκυς Λέανδρος, της Βενετσάνου κ....
The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 16.01.2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Greek Music Express: Vassilis Tsitsanis -Grigoris Bithikotsis – Stelios Kazantzidis | 16 Jan 2024
During his long career, Vassilis Tsitsanis collaborated on stage and in the studio with many great interpreters of popular song. However, a special place in Tsitsanis' discography is held by his collaboration with Grigoris Bithikotsis and Stelios Kazantzidis, because they were not just some random singers....
Musical Horizons with Maria Reboutsika | 16.01.2024
A musical journey through the alleyways of Greek music, with beloved melodies from the early 20th century until this day.
Sing-along Songs | 16.01.2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 16.01.2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 16.01.2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
The Elves of Tradition with Maria Koutsimpiri | 15.01.2024
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Greek Music Express: Vassilis Tsitsanis – Anna Ηrysafi – Marika Ninou | 15 Jan 2024
Vassilis Tsitsanis was born on January 18, 1915, and died on January 18, 1984. Thus, this week here at GME is dedicated to this influential figure of Greek music who left a huge footprint on laiko and rebetiko song. Tsitsanis wrote more than 500 songs and is still remembered as an extraordinary composer...
Musical Horizons with Maria Reboutsika | 15.01.2024
A musical journey through the alleyways of Greek music, with beloved melodies from the early 20th century until this day.
”Journeys Basking in Greek Light” tribute to Vasilis Tsitsanis | 14.01.2024
A two-hour tribute to Vasilis Tsitsanis, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his death, was presented on January 14th at the show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" by Giannis Papoutsakis. The life and songs of the great composer who put the bouzouki in every home and gave identity to folk so...
Greek Traditional Music with Maria Koutsimpiri | 14 Jan. 2024
A show featuring popular Greek folk songs and rare recordings from Greek and Greek-speaking traditions.
Rock Gatherings with Panos Chrysostomou | 13.01.2024
A music show with a focus on the Greek and international rock music scene, paying tribute to iconic personas while also introducing young and emerging artists.
Sing-along Songs | 13.01.2024
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Wandering Music with Kostas Thomaidis | 13.01.2024
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 13.01.2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.