Vaggelis Katsoulis
An introduction to the complex and innovative work of a composer at the crossroads of jazz, electronic music and minimalism.
Βαγγέλης Κατσούλης
Μια γνωριμία με το έργο ενός δραστήριου και καινοτόμου συνθέτη, στη διασταύρωση τζαζ, ηλεκτρονικής μουσικής και μινιμαλισμού.
Eleni Karaindrou
The global face of Greek instrumental music, Karaindrou is the composer behind the soundtracks of films by Theo Angelopoulos and a true pioneer of music for films.
Ελένη Καραΐνδρου
Το διεθνές πρόσωπο της ελληνικής ορχηστρικής μουσικής, η πρωτοπόρος των σάουντρακ με την ανεξίτηλη...
Greek instrumentals: A panorama
A panorama of composers who created some of the most recognizable and memorable instrumentals. From Stavros Xarhakos to Panagiotis Kalantzopoulos and from Vasilis Dimitriou to Dimitria Lagios
Ελληνικά ορχηστρικά: Ένα απάνθισμα
Απάνθισμα Ελλήνων συνθετών που υπέγραψαν μερικά ...
Cheap hotels, temporarily used rooms, mirrors without memories, and a silence interrupted only by the bitter-sweet melodies of Greek music.
«Μες στο φτηνό ξενοδοχείο και στα σεντόνια των πολλών / μες σε καθρέφτες δίχως μνήμη θα τελειώσουμε λοιπόν».
The tavern is a hospitable place ready to welcome everyone and offer some warmth to their hearts. All dead-ends are forgotten when people get together and comfort each other, with a little help from the sound of the bouzouki.
«Όταν βλέπετε να πίνω στης ταβέρνας τη γωνιά / θέλω λίγο...
A “koutouki” is a small drinking establishment, a tavern perhaps, but of a smaller scale, often underground, dark, marginalized. The songs about koutoukia are essentially songs about erotic disappointments and the quest for a way out of the curse of love.
Του Αποστόλη, του Γιαβρή, του Αράπη… ...
Cafes are the ideal background to songs, especially when we are dealing with “kafeneia” – popular, Greek-style cafes. Their images, their stories, and the memories that they bring forward.
«Καθίσαμε στο ίδιο καφενείο / άνοιξη μύριζε, είχε πάρει να νυχτώνει / κοίταξες μάταια για το γ...
Several stories of Greek songs unfold in bars. These are places where people get closer to each other and open up themselves, sharing their inner secrets, dreams, fears and desires. “Midnight at the bar / you told me that you were searching for Ithaca”.
«Μεσάνυχτα σ’ ένα μπαράκι / μου ’π...
Songs about erotic passion
Eyes, kisses, words, touches – this sensual week can only end with a collection of songs of adoration and erotic despair. A journey to the extremes – “I am sorry for loving you too much / but I don’t know how to love less”.
Τραγούδια για το ερωτικό πάθος
«Συγνώμη που σ’ αγάπη...
Songs about bodies and hugs
Today we are listening to songs that refer to the human body and the human touch as vehicles of erotic interaction. An inclusive celebration of all bodies and hugs.
Τραγούδια για σώματα κι αγκαλιές
«Τα σώματα που αγάπησες / σου ανοίξανε θυρίδες στα σκοτάδια / κι εσύ πο...
Songs about eyes and looks
How do lovers look at each other? What did your eyes do to me? How do eyes manage to steal one’s heart? Greek song has the answers.
Τραγούδια για μάτια και βλέμματα
«Αχ αυτά τα μάτια σου / μ’ ευωδιά και δυόσμο / την καρδιά μου πήρανε / κι άλλαξαν τον κόσμο / Αχ αυτά τα μάτι...
Songs about words and voices
Music artists use words to communicate with us, but what happens when these words and this very act of talking become the main theme of a song? “Tell me words of love / tell me words of the heart / I want to sing for you / since you say that you love me”.
Τραγούδια για λόγια κα...
Songs about kisses and lips
It is the primary, most basic and spontaneous act of love. And one must turn to Greek song in order to find the proper ways to praise it. The kiss!
Τραγούδια για φιλιά και χείλια
«Σταλιά σταλιά κι αχόρταγα τα πίνω τα φιλιά σου / κουρνιάζω σαν αδύνατο πουλί στην αγκαλι...
Rock bands of the 1980s
An exploration of Greek rock during its most fertile, original and innovative period, from Scraptown and Sharp Ties to Last Drive and Purple Overdose.
Ροκ συγκροτήματα των 1980s
Εξερευνούμε την ελληνική ροκ κατά την πιο γόνιμη, πρωτότυπη και καινοτόμο περίοδό της.
Tzimis Panousis & Musical Brigades
An ingenious satirical creator and a band of top-class musicians adding a highly subversive, unconventional layer to Greek song. The art of “Tzimakos” was originally persecuted by courts and police authorities but eventually secured timelessness and popularity.
Τζίμης Πανούσης ...
Diafana Krina (Transparent Lilies)
An alternative rock band that stood out for its imposing atmosphere and poetic lyrics. Our introduction to the band will be focusing on its debut 1996 album and the views and ideas of its frontman, Thanos Anestopoulos, who sadly passed away in 2016.
Διάφανα Κρίνα
Xylina Spathia (Wooden Swords)
Today we will be focusing on a rock band that deepened and intensified the big bang of Greek rock of the 1990s. Sometimes extrovert and intense, others calmly introvert, Xylina Spathia produced an unprecedented, emotionally charged rock style.
Ξύλινα Σπαθιά
Υπέγραψαν τη «μεγάλη έκρηξη» τ...
Trypes (Holes)
This is the band that defined the course and shape of Greek rock like no other. Socially aware lyrics, intoxicating melodies, and the awkward voice of Giannis Aggelakas are the ingredients of Trypes’ post-punk recipe of success.
Απλώς ανυπέρβλητοι - όρισαν το ελληνικό ροκ...