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NEXT 18:05 - 19:05
My Wandering Heart
Anna Prokova
Greek Music Express με τον Ηρακλή Οικονόμου | 13.05.2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Thanasis, the hoarse prophet By far the most influential singer-songwriter of the last three decades, Thanasis Papakonstantinou has the secret recipe of success and aesthetic excellence. Θανάσης, ο βραχνός προφήτης Με...
Greek Music Express με τον Ηρακλή Οικονόμου | 12.05.2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG  Foivos Delivorias and the eternal youth of Greek song Intelligent and inventive, Foivos has succeeded in remaining relevant throughout his rich and long career. Ο Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς και η αιώνια νεότητα του ελληνικού τραγ...
Greek Music Express με τον Ηρακλή Οικονόμου | 11.05.2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG The personal vision of the Katsimiha Brothers With their dynamism and originality, Haris & Panos Katsimihas built a personal style that defined the songwriting of the late 1980s. Οι προσωπικές οπτασίες των Αδερφών Κατσιμί...
Greek Music Express με τον Ηρακλή Οικονόμου | 10.05.2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Dionysis Savvopoulos: Where it all began Let’s explore the creator whose poetic and musical ingenuity marked the development of an entire genre. Η αφετηρία: Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος Μια εξερεύνηση της μουσικής και ποιητικής ιδιοφυίας που κ...
Greek Music Express με τον Ηρακλή Οικονόμου | 09.05.2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Write, compose, sing: Pioneers of Greek songwriting A panorama of the special art of singer-songwriters, focusing on the forefathers and foremathers of the genre. Στίχος, μουσική, ερμηνεία: Πρωτοπόροι της ελληνικής τραγουδοποιΐας ...
Greek Music Express 06-05-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Passing the baton: Giota Nega A solid, beloved voice that honors the legacy of art-folk while being open to innovation and renewal. Αλλαγή σκυτάλης: Γιώτα Νέγκα Μια αγαπημένη φωνή του έντεχνου που τιμά το παρελθόν αλλά ...
Greek Music Express 05-05-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG The fragile art of Tania Tsanaklidou Meet the uniquely sensitive and expressive Tania who became the favourite voice of the country’s greatest ballad creators. Η εύθραυστη τέχνη της Τάνιας Τσανακλίδου Μια γνωριμία με την ευαισθησία και την εκφρ...
Greek Music Express 04-05-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Eleftheria Arvanitaki & the grand composers A mini tour of Eleftheria Arvanitaki’s collaboration with some of the most prominent Greek composers, from Stamatis Spanoudakis to Dimitris Papadimitriou. Η Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη ...
Greek Music Express 03-05-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Haroula: The early years Join us for an exploration of Haroula Alexiou’s early folk hits, which set her on a path to become Greece’s most popular and renowned singer! Χαρούλα: Τα πρώτα χρόνια Εξερευνούμε τις πρώτες λαϊκές επιτυχίες της Χα...
Greek Music Express 02-05-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG Ladies of art-folk song A compilation of some of the singers who marked the development of ‘entechno’ – the genre that became a synonym for Greek song in recent decades. Οι κυρίες του έντεχνου Ένα απάνθισμα των ερμηνευτριών ...
Greek Music Express 29-04-2022
The known unknowns of Stavros Kougioumtzis We shed light on the less advertised songs of a great creator who merged a solid folk sound with an extreme sense of sensitivity. Τα γνωστά άγνωστα του Σταύρου Κουγιουμτζή Φωτίζουμε τα λιγότερο προβεβλημένα τραγούδια ενός μεγάλου δημιουργού που συν...
Greek Music Express 28-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 27-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 26-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 25-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 22-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 21-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...
Greek Music Express 20-04-2022
GREEK MUSIC EXPRESS: EXPLORING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GREEK SONG A radio broadcast in English brought to you by the Voice of Greece. Welcome on board Greek Music Express, the Voice of Greece’s daily tribute to Greek song, in English. The trips of our ‘music train’ take place every weekday from ...