The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
Καλεσμένοι στην εκπομπή της Τετάρτης 19 Ιουλίου:
Λίνα Κλείτου - δημοσιογράφος, πολιτική συντάκτρια
Κώστας Γκιουλέκας, βουλευτής Α΄Θεσσαλονίκης της ΝΔ
Φώτης Μάγγος, δήμαρχος Λειψών
Χρήστος Ηλιόπουλος, δικηγόρος
Ίβανα Τζόρτζεβιτς, δημοσιογράφος της ΕΡΤ (διεθνείς και βαλκανικές ειδήσεις)
Πέτρος Μαυ...
Καλεσμένοι στην εκπομπή της Δευτέρας 17 Ιουλίου:
Νότης Ανανιάδης - πολιτικός συντάκτης της ΕΡΤ
Πέτη Πέρκα - βουλευτής Φλώρινας του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ
Γιώργος Καρανίκας - πρόεδρος Ελληνικής Συνομοσπονδίας Εμπορίου και Επιχειρηματικότητας (ΕΣΕΕ)
Γιώργος Αντωνάκης - πρόεδρος του Τμήματος Ιατρικής του Πανεπιστημίου ...
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.
The comprehensive daily current affairs program of the Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.