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ON AIR 06:00 - 08:00
Greek Traditional Music
Maria Koutsimpiri
NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Asia Minor Catastrophe

Tribute to the Asia Minor Catastrophe: “Cinnamon from Smyrna” | 27 Sept. 2024
The final part of the 3-part tribute of the show “Unguarded Passage,” researched, written, and presented by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris, broadcast for the first time on Voice of Greece on Friday, September 20, 2024. “Cinnamon from Smyrna”: A radio documentary based on the novel “Cinnamon from Smyrna” b...
Unguarded Passage tribute to the Asia Minor Catastrophe: “My Dearest Brother George” | 20 Sept. 2024
This is the second part of the 3-part tribute of the show “Unguarded Passage,” researched, written, and presented by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris. “My Dearest Brother George” : This radio documentary brings to light unknown written records from the period of 1919-1922, focusing particularly on even...
Antonis Klapsis about the Asia Minor Catastrophe on “Our Global Voice” | 16 Sept. 2024
Mr. Antonis Klapsis, Associate Professor of International History and Politics at the University of the Peloponnese, provided a historical overview of the events leading to the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the burning of Smyrna on September 14, 1922 (September 1 according to the old calendar). He referred...
Unguarded Passage: “The unpublished diary of Evangelos Drakopoulos” | 13 Sept. 2024
“Unguarded Passage” unveils a valuable document, the unpublished diary of Evangelos Drakopoulos. Drakopoulos records the peaceful and quiet life of the residents of Smyrna and its surroundings in his diary during the years leading up to the Asia Minor Catastrophe. These regular entries provide prec...
Mother Smyrna is burning… | 13.09.2024
A tribute of the show "Time in Greece" and Nikolas Angelidis to the Asia Minor Catastrophe. We travel back more than a century. With the help of historian Ioakeim Karepidis, vice-president of the Pontians of Argyroupolis, we unfold, frame by frame, the dramatic events that led to the destruction and...