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Giannos Perlegas

Giannos Perlegas on “Our Town” | 15 Feb. 2025
The actor and musician, in an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis, reflects on the most significant performances of his career, the directors who influenced him as mentors (V. Papavasileiou, G. Vogiatzis), and the theater—”the space where,” as he says, “poetry comes back to life.” He speaks mo...
Giannos Perlegas joins “Our Town” | 15 Feb. 2025, 12:00
On Saturday, February 15, from 12:00 to 13:00 (Athens time), the radio show "Our Town" welcomes Giannos Perlegkas. The actor and musician, in an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis, reflects on the most significant performances of his career, the directors who influenced him as mentors (V....