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ON AIR 14:00 - 15:00
Greek Music Express
Hercules Economou
NEXT 15:00 - 16:00
The Elves Of Tradition
Maria Koutsimpiri

Maria Mamaliga

Maria Mamaliga on “Our Town” | 04 Nov. 2024
On Monday, November 4, 2024, Our Town featured Maria Mamaliga. The talented author and film professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts was in the studio to discuss her new book, Mercado. Through the pages of her book, she brings her unique homeland, Rhodes, to life, spanning the period from the...
Maria Mamaliga visits “Our Town” | 04 Oct. 2024, 19:00
On Monday, November 4, from 19:00 to 20:00, the show Our Town will feature Maria Mamaliga. The talented author and film professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts will be in the studio to discuss her new book, Mercado. Through the pages of her book, she brings her unique homeland, Rhodes, to life,...