As part of his radio show ‘’Journeys Basking in Greek Light’’, Giannis Papoutsakis will present a series of four special edition recordings where the composer himself has selected some of what he considers to be his most characteristics songs and melodies from his overall body of work, dedicating them to...
Greek Music Express”: A series of episodes in English, dedicated to the compositions of Yannis Markopoulos
As part of his English radio show ‘’Greek Music Express’’, Hercules Economou curates and presents a series of three episodes dedicated to the most important work of the ren...
As part of his radio show ‘’Journeys Basking in Greek Light’’, Giannis Papoutsakis will present a series of four special edition recordings where the composer himself has selected some of what he considers to be his most characteristics songs and melodies from his overall body of work, dedicating them to...
As part of his English radio show ‘’Greek Music Express’’, Hercules Economou curates and presents a series of three episodes dedicated to the most important work of the renowned composer. This radio tribute is specifically created in English having in mind the Greeks who are living abroad, including 3rd and...
As part of his radio show ‘’Journeys Basking in Greek Light’’, Giannis Papoutsakis will present a series of four special edition recordings where the composer himself has selected some of what he considers to be his most characteristics songs and melodies from his overall body of work, dedicating them to...
''Strolling around the alleyways of Yannis Markopoulos''
Μια πρωτότυπη ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ…
Η εκπομπή έψαξε στα κιτάπια της ιστορίας και βρήκε παλιούς ποδοσφαιστές της δεκαετίας του ’50 και του ’60 και τους ταίριαξε λόγω ονομάτων με μεγάλους τραγουδιστές και συνθέτες!
Οι τραδουδιστές που ήταν και ποδοσφαιριστές λοιπόν… Ακούστε, θυμηθείτε ή μάθετε τα όμορφα παιχ...