The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Radio episodes with live music recordings from ERA's archives.
Curated by Gianna Triantafylli / re-edited by Ermioni Katsigianini, Giorgos Giannakoulas
A regular journey around Greece through traditional melodies and folklore. Featuring archival material, new record releases as well as new recordings from the ERT’s Music Ensembles.
Αντώνης Χριστοφορίδης... Μια μυθική μορφή της πυγμαχίας. Προσφυγόπουλο από τη Μερσίνα της Μικράς Ασίας, έζησε εποχές δύσκολες ορφανός στην Αθήνα. Έφυγε για το Παρίσι στα 17 του και εκεί έμαθε τα κόλπα του ρινγκ.
Βερολίνο... 1937... Ο Χίτλερ βρίσκεται σε άνοδο και ετοιμάζει τα σχέδια του για υποταγή ...
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Ο Σπύρος Ρομποτής λατρεύει ότι παλιό και προσπαθεί να του δώσει ζωή... Συλλέκτη δεν του αρέσει να τον λένε... προτιμάει, όπως φαίνεται να "σώζει ζωές" και να δίνει χτύπο καρδιάς... σε παλιά θαύματα της τεχνολογίας. Από ένα μπομπινόφωνο μέχρι μια ασπρόμαυρη τηλεόραση, ένα βίντεο εποχής, κασετόφωνα, πα...
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
Η μουσική όταν δεν την ακούμε πια πάει να φέρει μουσικές που θα στήσουν μιαν ιστορία πολύσημη και συναρπαστική όσο κι ο έρωτας που απροειδοποίητα αναστατώνει ζωές: η μουσική έχει τον τρόπο να αποκαθιστά όσα ζητάνε οι ήρωες αυτής της ραδιοφωνικής ταινίας είτε πρόκειται για ένα γκρίζο μουντό πρωινό που δεν ...
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora.The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.
The Poet of the Week 11-17.12.23 is Yiannis Patilis.
Yiannis Patilis was born in Athens in 1947. He studied law and modern...
The famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that behavior and personality were derived from the constant and unique interaction of conflicting psychological forces that operate at three different levels of awareness: the preconscious, conscious, and unconscious minds. He believed that each of these...
The show features some of our most beloved tunes from Greece and beyond, aiming to transmit the vibes of Greek conviviality. Songs that bring back memories of special moments, celebrated with good friends.
A musical journey through melodies, lyrics, and memories that are stuck in our heads.
Radio episodes with live music recordings from ERA's archives.
Curated by Gianna Triantafylli / re-edited by Ermioni Katsigianini, Giorgos Giannakoulas