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Greece In The World Dionysopoulos G., Houmba K.
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Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 01 Apr. 2024

Guests on Monday, April 1st:

– Giannis Mandalidis, ERT correspondent in Istanbul

– Notis Ananiadis, political editor of ERT

– Kostas Gioulekas, Member of Parliament for Thessaloniki A (New Democracy)

– Dimosthenis Dimopoulos, International Relations Specialist, Coordinator of Russia, Eurasia and Southeast Europe of the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University

– Themis Kallos, SBS Greek Radio Program Director based in Sydney

– Dimitris Giachanatzis, sports editor of ERA SPORTS

The comprehensive daily current affairs show of Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.

Produced by Katerina Houba

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