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Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 13 May 2024
Greece In The World Dionysopoulos G., Houmba K.
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Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 13 May 2024

Guests on Monday, May 13th:

Notis Ananiadis, political editor of ERT

Georgia Skitzi, political editor of ERT (government reportage)

Giannis Mandalidis, ERT correspondent in Ankara

Christos Boukoros, MP for Magnesia (New Democracy)

Takis Mavrotas, curator of the exhibition “Pablo Picasso. The genius fighter of art and democracy through his rare posters and ceramics” presented at the premises of the European Cultural Centre of Delphi (EPKED). responsible for the Theocharakis Foundation’s research programs

Alekos Markellos, ERT correspondent in Australia

Ivana Djordjevic, journalist ERT (international, Balkan news)

Dimitris Giachanatzis, ERA SPORTS sports editor

Greece in the World is the comprehensive daily current affairs show of Voice of Greece, covering domestic and international politics, culture, sports, and the news of the Greek Diaspora.

Presented by Giorgos Dionysopoulos

Produced by Katerina Houba

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