On September 3rd, the show “Traveling with Greek Light” with Giannis Papoutsakis presented a tribute to the beloved Greek cinema of the 1960s. The program featured songs from iconic films such as Gorgones kai Magkes (Mermaids and Lads), I Pariziana (The Parisian Woman), Koritsia ston Ilio (Girls in the Sun), Mia Kyria sta Bouzoukia (A Lady at the Bouzoukia), I Odysseia enos Xekrizomenou (The Odyssey of an Uprooted Man), Zitianos Mias Agapis (Beggar of Love), Ftohadakia kai Leftades (The Poor and the Rich), and To Doloma (The Bait).
Journeys Basking In Greek Light
Giannis Papoutsakis