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DYPA Governor Spyros Protopsaltis on “Greece in the World” | 09 Dec. 2024
Greece In The World Dionysopoulos G., Houmba K.
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DYPA Governor Spyros Protopsaltis on “Greece in the World” | 09 Dec. 2024

The Public Employment Service (DYPA) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are organizing the first-ever “Career Day” outside Greece. The event will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 10:00 to 18:00 at the Kö59 Hotel (Königsallee 59, 40215) in Düsseldorf, Germany.

This initiative is part of the broader “Rebrain Greece” program, which aims to facilitate the return of talented and specialized professionals to Greece, utilizing their skills to benefit the country.

“Düsseldorf was not chosen randomly. It has the largest population of Greeks living outside Greece in Europe, making it the top choice for our first ‘Career Day,'” said DYPA Governor Spyros Protopsaltis during his interview on “Greece in the World,” a program hosted by Giorgos Dionysopoulos on “The Voice of Greece.”

Mr. Protopsaltis explained that 51 leading companies from various sectors—such as technology, IT, tourism, industry, telecommunications, renewable energy, and pharmaceuticals—will participate, offering more than 1,200 job opportunities.

The available positions cover a wide range of roles, including engineers, data analysts, healthcare professionals, marketing and sales executives, economists, and IT specialists. “This event is not limited to specific professions or educational levels. There will be job opportunities for everyone, across all levels of expertise and education. While there will be a demand for highly specialized professionals, it won’t be exclusive to them. Anyone looking for a job in Greece will have the chance to learn about and discuss opportunities directly with employers,” emphasized the DYPA Governor.

The event offers participants the chance to submit their resumes, engage with employers about potential collaborations, and explore prospects for their professional growth in Greece.

Participation in the event is free and open to all interested parties.

For better organization and timely access to information, participants can register via the online platform:

For more information, visit the DYPA website:

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