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Poet of the Week: Eleftheria Tsitsa | 18 Jan. 2025
Poet Of The Week
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Poet of the Week: Eleftheria Tsitsa | 18 Jan. 2025

Each week is dedicated to a contemporary Greek poet, including those from the diaspora. The poets themselves curate the radio readings of their work. Simultaneously, the poems are complemented by music from beloved composers. Seven poems each week—one Greek poem per day—travel across the globe via Voice of Greece, reaching every corner where Greek voices can be heard.

The week of January 13-19, 2025, is dedicated to poet Eleftheria Tsitsa.

Eleftheria Tsitsa holds a degree from the Department of English Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has published three poetry collections: At Minus Two (Iolkos, 2013), Later, a Date Among the Tulips (Patakis, 2018), and Impresario of Eccentric Artists (Thraka, 2024). She has also contributed to the anthologies Poetry Meets Poetry (Iolkos, 2014) and Marathon Runners (To Spirto, 2014). Her poems have appeared in print and online literary magazines, including PoeticaFrearLiterature 21, and Vareliaki.

She has published tributes to foreign poets and writers (Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Lorna Crozier, Gwendolyn MacEwen, Al Purdy, Forough Farrokhzad, Valzhyna Mort) in Poetica and Frear. Additionally, she has translated poets for the International Poetry Festival organized by the Poets’ Circle. Recently, her Greek translation of Nikola Madzirov’s poetry collection Remnants of Another Age (Thraka, 2024) was published for the first time.

Music Curation: Maria Reboutsika
Sound Editing: Eleftheria Papoutsaki