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Listen and See, Look and Hear: The harshest marital revenge | 28 Jan. 2025
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Listen and See, Look and Hear: The harshest marital revenge | 28 Jan. 2025

In the last show of January, Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis inform us about…

– the worst foods of Greek cuisine, as seen by foreigners…
– the watch that is changing the game in the watchmaking industry
– the politician who is running for election for the 293rd time, having failed in all previous attempts
– the 50-euro bill that some people leave on car windshields. Why?
– the incredibly expensive diamond that was accidentally sold at a market!
– the incredible revenge of the ex-wife of a football star… What did she do to drive him crazy?
– the strangest collector in the world…

Finally, we learn the story and hear the anthem of Doxa Kranoulas in Ioannina…

All this and much more in the show you love, Listen & See, Look & Hear.