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Historical Walks: The Adventures of the Greek Language (Part II) | 15 Feb. 2025
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Historical Walks: The Adventures of the Greek Language (Part II) | 15 Feb. 2025

World Greek Language Day is celebrated every year on February 9th. This day was established in 2017 by the Hellenic Parliament and is linked to the date of death of Dionysios Solomos.

The show “Historical Walks,” guided by Ms. Eleni Karantzola, a professor of linguistics (history of the Greek language – language policy) at the University of the Aegean, dedicated two episodes to the adventures of the Greek language from prehistory to the present day.

Through this journey, we discovered not only the changes in the Greek language but also how it reflects the social, political, and cultural transformations in our history. The Greek language, like any language, is not just a means of communication; it is a carrier of identity, memory, culture, and historical continuities and discontinuities.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th – PART B (pre-revolutionary years to the present)

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