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Listen and See, Look and Hear with Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis | 25 Feb. 2025
Listen and See, Look and Hear
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Listen and See, Look and Hear with Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis | 25 Feb. 2025

It’s the show “Listen and See, Look and Hear” with Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis rowing the galley… And today, we’re diving into some incredibly bizarre stories! We’ll hear about:

  • The person with the most tattoos on their body
  • The wedding that enraged its guests – but why?
  • A lemon that wasn’t sold at the market, but at an auction!
  • The island that gives away goats!
  • A wooden plank that sold for €700,000 – but why?
  • The most expensive jacket – how much does it cost, and who wears it?
  • The world’s smallest prison – where is it, and how many can it hold?

Finally, we’ll learn the story of Pontian Polydendri and listen to its amazing anthem!