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ON AIR 22:00 - 23:00
Greek Jazz Players
Pantazis Tsaras
NEXT 23:00 - 00:00
The Elves Of Tradition
Maria Koutsimpiri

Captain, author and researcher Nikos Michailidis on “Saturday Shift” | 16 Nov. 2024, 08:00

Captain, author, and researcher Nikos Michailidis, originally from Constantinople, will be a guest on the show “Fair Winds and Following Seas – Saturday Shift” on Saturday, November 16, at 8:00 a.m.

Together with Antonis Karagiannakis, they will explore his new book On the Path to Truth – The Sinking of Evangelistria,” which unveils the story of the 78 Constantinopolitan volunteers who were killed and drowned in the Aegean Sea by the British submarine Torbay in 1941, during World War II.

This true story, which Michailidis researched for many years, seeks justice after more than 80 years. It highlights a little-known historical event that took place near Cape Doro and is now brought to light eight decades later. The narrative unfolds as a melancholic journey of revelations and questions, filled with indignation over this tragic and unjust incident.

Broadcast: Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 08:00 Athens time – with a repeat at 20:00.

Produced and presented by Antonis Karagiannakis


O Δρ Νίκος Μαζαράκης στις “Καλές Θάλασσες – Βάρδια Σαββάτου” | 15.02.25
Ο Δρ. Νίκος Μαζαράκης, Καθηγητής Ναυτικής Μετεωρολογίας & Υπεύθυνος του γραφείου της StormGeo στην Ελλάδα είναι καλεσμένος του Αντώνη Καραγιαννάκη, το Σάββατο 15 Φεβρουαρίου στην εκπομπή "Βάρδια Σαββάτου" στις 8 το πρωί. Μας μιλάει για τη μετεωρολογία, τα μετεωρολογικά δελτία, τους κυκλώνες, τους τυφώνες, τα...