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ON AIR 18:05 - 19:05
Voices And Music
Alexis Kostas
NEXT 19:05 - 20:00
Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis

“When the ship outruns the wind”

The Ship’s Log: 17 Mar. 2025

Captain Giannis Kougioumtzoglou, a friend of the radio show “Fair Winds and Following Seas” on Voice of Greece and the column “The Ship’s Log,” sent us the following video from his personal archive:

“It was October, with westerly winds at 9 Beaufort.

Our destination was Australia to Prai Mole, Brazil—yet the vessel stood still!

This is what sailors call:
‘When the ship is planing’! “

And Captain Giannis notes in his message:

RESPECT and LOVE for the SEA!”

Captain, we thank you deeply and wish you “Fair Winds and Following Seas”!


Christmas carols for our sailors
The Ship's Log | 24 Dec. 2024 A small, lovely surprise today on The Ship's Log! The students of the 2nd Evening Vocational High School of Piraeus dedicate the following Christmas carols to our sailors, and we thank them for this thoughtful initiative! We wish Happy Holidays to all...
Words of a Seafarer
The Ship's Log | 18 Nov. 2024 "A good captain must always know one thing: to respect the sea and never defy her." These are the words of the gifted captain and poet, Manolis G. Nikolakis from Kasos, writing to us from the open waters near the Azores, amidst the stormy Atlantic. The M/V BUBBA...
6:30 a.m., off the coast of Brazil
The Ship's Log | 13 Nov. 2024 Captain Michalis Antoniou Hatzipetros sends his greetings and love from the southern hemisphere, off the coast of Brazil, along with the following video during his journey with the M/V GALLOWAY en route to Cartagena, Colombia. We would like to thank Captain Michalis,...