Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
On Friday, December 8, at 14.00 Greece local time, Gianna Triantafylli was joined at Voice of Greece studio by the teachers of the Waiblinqen, Heidelberg Greek Schools Kalliopi Zarogianni and Michail Kontogiorgos. On the initiative of these schools, but also with the cooperation of the Feuerbach Winnenden,...
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Την Παρασκευή στις 14:00 ώρα Ελλάδας η Γιάννα Τριανταφύλλη φιλοξένησε στο studio της Φωνής της Ελλάδας, μια εξέχουσα προσωπικότητα του ελληνισμού της Αυστραλίας και διευθυντή τους δημοσίου διαπολιτισμικού λυκείου Σύδνεϋ κύριο Δημήτρη Καμετόπουλο. Δεύτερης γενιάς Ελλήνων ομογενών, γεννήθηκε στο Σίδνεϋ όπου ζει κ...
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.