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Wandering Music
Kostas Thomaidis
The fire passed over me | Friday 16 February 2024
Αφηγητής: Παρασκευάς ΚαραθανάσηςΕρευνήτρια: Δανάη ΚαραθανάσηΔημιουργία Podcast: Σταύρος ΒλάχοςΣχεδιασμός Ήχου: Ιάσονας ΘεοφάνουΕπεξεργασία Ήχου: Μιχάλης ΟικονομίδηςΦωτογραφικά στιγμιότυπα: Στέφανος Μπερτάκης Το Istorima είναι το μεγαλύτερο έργο καταγραφής και διάσωσης προφορικών ιστοριών της Ελλάδας. Πάνω από 1.000 νέοι ερευνητές βρίσκουν αφηγητές, ακούνε, συλλέγουν και διασώζουν ιστορίες ανθρώπων από όλη την Ελλάδα: Ιστορίες του τόπου τους, ιστορίες αγάπης, ιστορίες που μας άλλαξαν ή μας προσδιόρισαν, ιστορίες σύγχρονες ή παλιές. Ιστορίες που δεν καταγράφονται στα βιβλία της Ιστορίας και που θα μπορούσαν να χαθούν στον χρόνο. Δημιουργήθηκε από τη δημοσιογράφο Σοφία Παπαϊωάννου και την ιστορικό Katherine Fleming κι υλοποιείται με ιδρυτική δωρεά από το Ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος (ΙΣΝ), στο πλαίσιο της πρωτοβουλίας του για την Επανεκκίνηση ... Read more
Poet of the Week: Chloe Koutsoumpeli | Friday 16 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 12-18 February 2024  is Chloe Koutsoumpeli. Chloe Koutsoumpeli was...
Poet of the Week: Chloe Koutsoumpeli | Thursday 15 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 12-18 February 2024  is Chloe Koutsoumpeli. Chloe Koutsoumpeli was...
Ο σκηνοθέτης του ντοκιμαντέρ «Βάρδια» (Dogwatch) Γρηγόρης Ρέντης στις «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ – ΒΑΡΔΙΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΥ»| 17.02.2024, 08:00
Ο σκηνοθέτης του ντοκιμαντέρ «Βάρδια» (Dogwatch) Γρηγόρης Ρέντης είναι ο καλεσμένος στις «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ - ΒΑΡΔΙΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΥ» του Αντώνη Καραγιαννάκη, το Σάββατο, 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2024, στις 08:00 το πρωί (και σε επανάληψη στις 8 το βράδυ). Πρόκειται για την πρώτη ταινία μεγάλου μήκους του δημιουργού, η οποία έχ...
The desaparecido’s fiancée | Wednesday 14 February 2024
Eleni goes to study in Mexico and is fascinated by the country’s beauties and its people. As she prepares to marry the love of her life, an unexpected event changes her life and reveals a dark side that she kept well hidden during her time there: violence between drug cartels and the pain they spread a...
Poet of the Week: Chloe Koutsoumpeli | Wednesday 14 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 12-18 February 2024  is Chloe Koutsoumpeli. Chloe Koutsoumpeli...
Poet of the Week: Chloe Koutsoumpeli | Tuesday 13 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 12-18 February 2024  is Chloe Koutsoumpeli. Chloe Koutsoumpeli...
He told me I won’t forget you and he died | Monday 12 February 2024
The intubations outside intensive care, the agony of finding an ICU bed, the words of patients just before they die, the threats of lawsuits from relatives. A junior doctor will come into contact with his profession for the first time, under the most demanding conditions, in a COVID hospital clinic. Narrator: The narrator has asked to be pseudonymizedResearcher: Giannis KoutroudisPodcast Creation: Andreas PappasSound Design: Dimitris PalaiogiannisSound Editing: Spyros Lymperopoulos Istorima is the largest project for recording and preserving oral histories of Greece. More than 1,000 young researchers find narrators listen, collect and preserve stories of people from all over Greece: ... Read more
Poet of the Week: Chloe Koutsoumpeli | Monday 12 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 12-18 February 2024  is Chloe Koutsoumpeli. Chloe Koutsoumpeli...
World Radio Day on Voice of Greece! | Tuesday 13 February 2024
On Tuesday, February 13th, Voice of Greece celebrates World Radio Day by adapting its program to honor one of the world's most beloved means of communication and entertainment a, through important interviews with radio people from Greece and around the world. At 9 am, on "Time in Greece" with Nikos...
Singer Maria Kaloudi on ”Voices and Music” | 12 Feb. 2024, 18.00
Τη Δευτέρα 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 και ώρα Ελλάδας 18.00, ο Αλέξης Κώστας θα φιλοξενήσει στην εκπομπή της Φωνής της Ελλάδας «Φωνές και Μουσικές» τη Μαρία Καλούδη. Η ταλαντούχα ερμηνεύτρια γιορτάζει τα 10 χρόνια παρουσίας της στην ελληνική δισκογραφία, αλλά και τη συνεργασία της με τον τραγουδοποιό Νικόλα Λειβαδί...
Poet of the Week: Manolis Pratikakis | Sunday 11 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora.The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 05- 11. 02.2024 on Voice of Greece is Manolis Pratikakis. Manolis...
A ride of discovery | Sunday 11 February 2024
[English Voiceover] Vassilis Messitidis is the only Greek to have crossed four continents on two wheels. KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Interviewee: Vassilis MessitidisInterview by: Kostis KotsonisProducer: Charis Pagonidou,...
I have been struggling with my weight all my life | Sunday 11 February 2024
Mariliana Pantoula remembers herself with extra pounds since she was a child. Nutritionists came and went in and out of her life, with great consequences for her self-esteem and image. Until she realized that the burden she had been carrying all her life was not just her weight. Narrator:...
Poet of the Week: Manolis Pratikakis | Saturday 10 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora.The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background.The Poet of the Week 05- 11. 02.2024 on Voice of Greece is Manolis Pratikakis. Manolis...