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NEXT 08:05 - 09:00
Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis
Theatre Director K.Papakostopoulos from Cologne on ”Take Your Time“ | 12 Apr. 2024
Kostas Papakostopoulos, director – artistic director of the Greek-German Theatre of Cologne, hosted today in the studio the show "Take your time" with Prokopis Angelopoulos, on the occasion of the play "THE NAVEL OF THE EARTH". The well-known director, impressed by the elements of our country, d...
”Imprint”: Kostas Vlassopoulos about women in ancient Greece | 11 Apr. 2024
The show “Imprint” with Fuli Zavitsanou, meets with Kostas Vlassopoulos, Professor of Ancient History at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete to talk to us about the new online course entitled "Women in Ancient Greece" that starts on April 22nd at the Center for Open Onl...
Searching for money and fame…in a Crocodile | 11 Apr. 2024
Dimitris Stavropoulos and Orestis Stavropoulos are hosted at the studio of the Voice of Greece and talk about the latest theatrical play they directed that has been staged at the "Porta" theater since February. It is "Crocodile" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, one of the "unknown" works of the leading Russian...
Natalia Geraki about the musical activity of Greeks in Alexandria | 10.04.24
The show hosted the flutist with international presence, musician and researcher Natalia Geraki, who spends her time between Germany and Greece and talked about the collectible book/CD "OPUS ALEXANDRINUM – The music of the Greeks of Alexandria", which was based on her musicological research. The collector's b...
“Ταξιδεύοντας με φως ελληνικό” με την Βάλια Τσιργιώτη | 09.04.2024
Στα γεγονότα και στις μορφές που σημάδεψαν τον Απρίλιο ήταν αφιερωμένη η εκπομπή ”Ταξιδεύοντας με φως ελληνικό” του Γιάννη Παπαουτσάκη στις 7 Απριλίου. Ακούστηκαν η φωνή του Κώστα Σταυρόπουλου να αναγγέλει την εισβολή των Γερμανών στην Αθήνα στις 27/4/1941, αποσπάσματα από την ”Καταχνιά” και τους ”Ελεύθερους πολιορκημένους” με τις φωνές του Καζαντζίδη, του Ξυλούρη και της Ειρήνης Παπά, η φωνή της Έλλης Λαμπέτη στην ”Ιθάκη” του Καβάφη και τραγούδια από τον Μπιθικώτση, τον Μητροπάνο, τη Μαρινέλλα, τη Μοσχολιού, τη Φαραντούρη, τον Καλογιάννη, τον Μητσιά, τον Αγγελόπουλο, την Αστεριάδη, τον Παπάζογλου, τη Γιώτα Λύδια, τον Κότσιρα κ.ά
”Faraway Words”: Talking about GRis Festival in New York | 09 Apr. 2024
Anna Papageorgiou and Giorgos Stamou guided us through the GRis Festival that presents the wealth of Greek culture in New York, offering a rich program of events from Friday, April 12th to Sunday, April 21st, 2024. The show Faraway Words with Natasa Vissarionos covers top stories of the Greek...
Actor/director Giannis Stamatiou on ”Our Town” | 08 Apr. 2024
The show “Our Town” paid a small tribute to Giannis Stamatiou and Ekstan Theatre. In the studio, the partner and companion of actor and director Giannis Stamatiou in the creation of the theater Eleni Papachristopoulou, talked to us about this great theater man; the modest, generous and excellent gra...
Journeys Basking in Greek Light: An episode about April | 07 Apr. 2024
The episode of April 7th is dedicated to the events and figures that marked April. The voice of Kostas Stavropoulos was heard announcing the German invasion of Athens on April 27th, 1941, excerpts from "Katachnia" and "Free Besieged" with the voices of Kazantzidis, Xylouris and Irene Papas, the voice...
Dimitris Zervoudakis visits ”Our Town” | 07 Apr. 2024
On Sunday, April 7th, the show “Our Town” hosted Dimitris Zervoudakis. The important songwriter talked about his first band, Neoi Epivates, which impressed Yannis Markopoulos and was the reason for their collaboration, but also for his key collaborations with other important creators in the field. The gue...
”The Religion of the dagger”: Encomium to Charlotte Corday | 06 Apr. 2024
"THE RELIGION OF THE DAGGER – Encomium of Charlotte Corday(by philosopher Michel Onfray) The 24-year-old Norman who killed Marat. Corday was educated, from an aristocratic but poor family.Refusing to raise her glass to the king's health, she cheerfully said that she would not marry, because the m...
Historical Walks: The history of the Greek Roma Communities | 06 Apr. 2024
The dominant perception sees Roma as a single group having "its own" qualities. But the picture that reality unfolds is completely different.On Saturday, April 6th, 2024, "Historical Walks" with Marilena Katsimi focus on the history of Greek Gypsies, on the occasion of International Roma Day (April...
Emily Loizou and Irene Skylakaki on ”Our Town” | 06 Apr. 2024
On Saturday, April 6, “Our Town” hosted Emily Loizou and Irene Skylakaki . Emily Loizou, an award-winning director, with participation in many performances in Greece and abroad, talked to us about her most important productions both in London and Athens. The young director referedto "fabulous cre...
Themis Angelopoulos on ”Saturday Shift” | 06 Apr. 2024
On Saturday, April 6th, 2024, Themis Angelopoulos is our guest on "Voice of Greece" and the show "Fair Winds and Following Seas - Saturday Shift". The renowned writer and actor talks about piracy on ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region but also about his book entitled "Red Leaflet", which recounts...
The Voice that Unites Us – the music of Manos Eleftheriou | 05 Apr. 2024
On Friday, April 5th, at 14.00, Gianna Triantafylli is joined by fellow Voice of Greece producer, Hercules Economou. Together, they talk about a great personality who managed to impose silence, through his complaint, through his writings, through his "soft words".... The occasion of this conversation...
Quantum physicist Stefanos Trachanas on ”Imprint” | 04 Apr. 2024
On Thursday, April 4th, 2024, the show “Imprint” with Fuli Zavitsanou, had the pleasure and honor to meet Stefanos Trachanas, honorary doctor of the University of Crete, lecturer of quantum physics at the Department of Physics of the University, founding member of the University Press of Crete and the...
Themis Kallos about the 42nd Greek Festival of Sydney | 04 Apr. 2024
Themis Kallos, Director of SBS Greek Program in Australia, was a guest on "Take Your Time" with Prokopis Angelopoulos, on the occasion of the 42nd Greek Festival in Sydney. As Mr Kallos said, the diaspora is going through a period of cultural spring and extends Greek culture to the whole of Australia,...
”Multi Medea” on Journeys Basking in Greek Light | 03 Mar. 2024
"Multi Medea" is the theatrical play directed by Olga George and presented for the first time in Greece. Its protagonists Anna Maria Bati, Irini Tsoli and Vasiliki Vlachou spoke about the play on the show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" on April 3rd. The show ''Journeys Basking in Greek Light''...