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NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
Faraway Words with guest Alexandra Pistofidou, Founder & Chair of the Austrian Committee for the Repatriation of the Parthenon Sculptures.
Alexandra Pistofidou, Founder & Chair of the Austrian Committee for the Repatriation of the Parthenon Sculptures, is a guest on this episode of Faraway Words.
Take Your Time
On Wednesday, May 17th, we commented on the current affairs, going through newspaper headlines. Then, we talked with Maria Karaklioumi, political analyst at RASS, whom we asked to make her latest assessments of Sunday's election race. She noted the fact that we should not rush because the picture may...
Faraway Words
On Tuesday, May 16th, the show "Faraway Words" hosted historian Poly Roumelioti, a third generation Greek and permanent resident of Belgium, who spoke about the initiative she shared with director Kris Kaerts to highlight the history of Greek sailors in Antwerp in the decades from 1950 to 1980 and the...
Take Your Time
On Monday, May 15th, the show began with issues related to Turkey and with Εvangelos Areteos, journalist and researcher of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), with whom we discussed the latest developments regarding the elections in Turkey and the results that give Erdogan ...
Infinitely Curious: Gazing at the sky | 14.05.2023
As we spend more and more time staring down at our mobile phones, it’s easy to forget there are vast galaxies above us. Big corporates are sending thousands of satellites into space for the sake of better communication on Earth. While this may sound exciting, each launch leaves a trail of satellites, r...
Our Town tribute to Nikos Gatsos
On Sunday, May 14th, the show “Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis presented a tribute to the life and work of Nikos Gatsos. Author and researcher of his work Stavros Kartsonakis came to the studio and talked about Gatsos’ journey in the field of versification and poetry. At the s...
Take Your Time
On Friday, May 12th, immediately after the introduction to current affairs and the reading of the newspaper headlines, we gave the floor to two candidate MPs for the elections of May 21. Candidate MP on behalf of the KKE party in Larissa, Giorgos Lamproulis, and candidate MP on behalf of the DiEM25...
Imprint with guest Christos Bintoudis, Professor of Modern Greek Language at Sapienza University | 12May 2023
On Thursday, May 11, 2023, the show ''Imprint'' with Fouli Zavitsanou featured Christos Bintoudis, Associate Professor of Modern Greek Language and Literature at the Sapienza University of Rome. He talked about the adventures and the importance of Modern Greek Literature in Italy, about Italian-Greek...
Faraway Words in Cairo and Liverpool
Στις "Κουβέντες μακρινές" φιλοξενήθηκε από το Κάιρο ο διευθυντής του Ελληνικού Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου Καΐρου κ. Χρίστος Παπαδόπουλος και μίλησε για την επέτειο των 20 χρόνων του Κέντρου, για την πλήρη ανακαίνιση του χώρου και τις εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις που διοργανώνονται την Πέμπτη 11 Μαΐου. Ακόμη, φι...
Soil of my Soul
POETRY ABOUT THE PARTHENON The timeless value of the Parthenon and its importance for Greeks and foreigners is an undeniable fact, while the immersive impression that the visit to the Parthenon gave to travelers and intellectuals from the 19th century onwards is known. As famous...
Faraway Words with guests Konstantinos Alsinos and Argyris Xafis
On Monday, May 8th, the show "Faraway Words" hosted writer Konstantinos Alsinos, permanent resident of London, on the occasion of the presentation of his book "The Wound of the World" that will take place in the British capital on July 2nd, and actor Argyris Xafis who referred to the...
Voices and Music | 06.05.2023
Την μεγάλη χαρά είχε η εκπομπή ''Φωνές και μουσικές" που επιμελείται και παρουσιάζει ο Αλέξης Κώστας να έχει καλεσμένους έναν βραβευμένο με Grammy παγκόσμιο μουσικό τον Μιχαήλ Καρντέν στου στούντιο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας ο οποίος έχει κερδίσει διεθνή αναγνώριση ως δάσκαλος, ερμηνευτής, μουσικολόγος και...
Our Town tribute to Miles Davis | with guest writer writer Makis Malafekas
On Friday, May 5th, "Our Town" features a special on Miles Davis. In the studio, the program features writer Makis Malafekas, who talks about the immense career of this jazz master, his important collaborations, his unique style. Makis Malafekas sheds light on the character of Davis,...
The show pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.
Soil of my Soul with guest Vasilis Lekkas
On the occasion of the concert that popular performer Vasilis Lekkas is scheduled to give on May 6 at the Hellenic Cultural Center in Astoria, New York, he joins us at the studio of "Voice of Greece" as a guest on the broadcasting program "The Soil of my Soul" and talks with Angelos Stathopoulos about...
Our Town. featuring Giorgos Andreou
On Sunday, April 30, 12:00-14:00 Greek time, the broadcasting program "Our Town" features Giorgos Andreou. The composer, lyricist, poet and artistic curator of recordings talks about his many and significant collaborations, his family, his hometown, Serres, and his relationship with it as...
Like Odysseus with guest artist Kyrinaios Papadimatos
Kyrinaios Papadimatos joined us on this episode for a not-only-visual presentation. An exhibition with photographs of actors, revolutionaries, comedians, and famous and unknown women called “DIVAS” by Kyrinaios Papadimatos, in digital processing, where you have to stand against the painting and...
Our Town
Το Σάββατο 29 Απριλίου, η εκπομπή «η Δική μας Πόλη» φιλοξένησε τη διευθύντρια του ιδρύματος ιστορικών μελετών Ειρήνη Σαρίογλου και τον συνθέτη Ανδρέα Αναγνωστόπουλο, με αφορμή την έκδοση του μουσικού έργου του «Και Τα Μελλούμενα Για Σένα», σε ποίηση του κορυφαίου Κωνσταντινουπολίτη ποιητή Δημ. Κ. Παπακωνσταντ...