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NEXT 22:00 - 23:00
Greek Jazz Players
Pantazis Tsaras
“Faraway words” with Vivian Abraamidou-Ploumbis from Prague
On Wednesday, November 23, 2022, Ms. Vivian Avraamidou-Ploumbis, from Prague was a guest in the studio of “Voice of Greece”. On the broadcasting program “Faraway words” Ms. Avraamidou-Ploumbis spoke about her life in Prague, the journey and the 25 years she has been there, about her hospitable home, w...
“Faraway words” with Konstantinos Pittas in Prague
On Monday, November 21, the broadcasting program “Faraway words” went on a mental journey to Europe in the 1980s. Guest of this episode was photographer Konstantinos Pittas, who for five years (1985 - 1989) traveled to 17 European countries, capturing with a small camera, snapshots, starring people liv...
The Greek Community in Dresden
Συναντάμε την ιστορική Ελληνική Κοινότητα της Δρέσδης. Ο Δημήτρης Αμπατιέλος μας "ξεναγεί" στην ιστορία της κοινότητας από τα πρώτα χρόνια του περασμένου αιώνα, στα χρόνια της μετεμφυλιακής Ελλάδας και στο σήμερα... Οι πολύπλευρες δράσεις της κοινότητας, το χέρι βοήθειας στους νέους μετανάστες και οι...
Poet of the Week Myrsini Gana
Myrsini Gana was born in Athens. She studied English Literature at the University of Athens and Cultural Management in Brussels. She works as a translator. Her first poetry collection Ta Pera Meri (2017, Melani Editions) was awarded with the Audience Award of Public and the Debutant Poet Award by...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The broadcasting program “Our Town” of the Voice of Greece made a tribute to poet and lyricist Manos Eleftheriou. Guest in the studio, Lili Eleftheriou, his sister, talked about his everyday moments, his relationships with his fellow artists and friends. George Dalaras talked about his long relationship and...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The broadcasting program “Our Town” of the Voice of Greece presented sculptor Praxitelis Tzanoulinos. The sculptor told us about his island, Tinos, the important sculptors and their work. At the same time, he spoke about the art of sculpture in Greece, its course and its continuity, about his workshop, the...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The broadcasting program “Our Town” of the Voice of Greece presented the artistic director of the Greek Art Theater Marianna Kalmpari on Friday, November 18. The artistic director of the Art Theater Marianna Kalmpari, on the occasion of the eighty years since the foundation of the Art Theater, spo...
Take Your Time
On Friday's episode and after reading the front pages of the newspapers, we connected with Melbourne and talked with the regional governor of Attica and president of the Athens Medical Association, Giorgos Patoulis, but also Marinis Pirpiris, president of the Greek Doctors of Melbourne and Bill Papastergiadis,...
Leonidas Vardaros on TIME IN GREECE
Ο αναγνωρισμένος και βραβευμένος σκηνοθέτης Λεωνίδας Βαρδαρός μιλάει στην ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και τον Νικόλα Αγγελίδη για το έργο του... και τις τελευταίες του δημιουργίες. Αυτή την εποχή δουλεύει το δεύτερο σκέλος του Ντοκιμαντέρ Γυναίκες μαχήτριες - Η τριπλή Απελευθέρωση. Είναι μια σπουδαία δουλειά για τι...
“Faraway words” goes to the 36th Greek Film Week in Munich | 11.16.22
On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, "Faraway words" takes us on a trip through the mind, from the studio of the "Voice of Greece" to Munich, Bavaria, for the Greek Film Week. It will take place from November 18 to 27, 2022 at the Rio Filmpalast cinema for the first day, and then will be transferred to...
“Κουβέντες μακρινές” με τον Πόλυ Κυριάκου και τον Γιώργο Στασινάκη | 15.11.22
Την Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2022, η εκπομπή "Κουβέντες Μακρινές" πραγματοποίησε ένα νοερό ταξίδι μέχρι τη Γενεύη της Ελβετίας, όπου η Νατάσα Βησσαρίωνος και ο Γιάννης-Στέλιος Τζιρβελάκης συνάντησαν τον Πρόεδρο της Διεθνούς Εταιρείας Φίλων του Νίκου Καζαντζάκη, κύριο Γιώργο Στασινάκη. Ο συντοπίτης του μεγάλο...
Meeting with Dimitra Ioannou’s “Nurse”.
Η Δήμητρα Ιωάννου μας συστήνει το νέο της συγγραφικό έργο, "Η Νοσοκόμα"... Η αναγνωρισμένη συγγραφέας μιλάει στην εκπομπή ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και τον Νικόλα Αγγελίδη για τη δουλειά της και το γράψιμο... που είναι το μεγάλο της πάθος. Η αγάπη της για την Ελλάδα είναι ριζωμένη βαθιά μέσα της, γι’ αυτό και ερευνά επίμονα...
“Blue” takes as to Kentucky of 1957…
Αμερική. Κεντάκι 1957. Η Λιζ και ο Λουκ Κόμπς, δυο αδέρφια, ζουν απομονωμένοι σε ένα μεταφυσικό γίγνεσθαι στη φάρμα τους εξαιτίας μιας σπάνιας κληρονομικής ασθένειας. Ο κηδεμόνας τους, κύριος Σμιθ, προσλαμβάνει μια νέα οικονόμο, την Αν, μέσω της οποίας γίνεται η επαφή τους με τον έξω κόσμο. Θα κατα...
Poet of the Week Katerina Thanopoulou | 11.13.2022
Katerina Thanopoulou was born in Athens. She is a special education mathematician with postgraduate studies in Special Education, Intercultural and Remote Education. She participated in the collective publication "To Theatro kai oi technikes tou os mochlos anaptyxis tou ekpaideftikou". She has published...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis | 11.13.22
The director Costas Ferris was presented in the show "Our Town" of the Voice of Greece on Sunday, November 13. The director, writer, lyricist and journalist remembers and tells Themis Rodamitis about his childhood in Cairo, referring to the variety of musical styles he was exposed to in his family...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis | 11.12.22
The sculptor Aspasia Papadoperaki was presented in the show "Our City" of the Voice of Greece on Saturday, November 12. The important artist spoke about her study (publication) on the subject of "Folk Architecture of the Aegean Sea", which she dedicates to Andros’ praiseworthy folk artist, Dimitris L...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis | 11.12.22
Artistic director, Lefteris Yovanidis, spoke about the role of the theater in the country's cultural events and its contribution to the city of Piraeus and its people. He referred to the attractions of the city, its hidden secrets, the neighborhoods, as well as the new projects (the metro, the port,...
Πάρε τον Χρόνο σου| 11-11-2022
Στην πρώτη ώρα της εκπομπής της Παρασκευής, 11 Νοεμβρίου, ο Προκόπης Αγγελόπουλος φιλοξένησε την κα Μαίρη Κανέλλη Τζιβέλη, εκπρόσωπο της ομάδας Εθελοντισμού ΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ. Μια ομάδα που δημιουργήθηκε το 2011, στο ξεκίνημα της κρίσης των μνημονίων, από τέσσερις φίλες αποφοίτους του Κολλεγίου ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΑ της Θεσ...