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Alkis Thrylos… The art critic who made history | 09 Dec. 2024
Time In Greece Nikolas Angelidis
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Alkis Thrylos… The art critic who made history | 09 Dec. 2024

A name that became a true legend. Eleni Ourani, a literary and theater critic, as well as a writer, left her mark with her commanding presence in the arts. Harsh in her criticism—often equally harsh on herself—she adored theater and writing, and fought fiercely for the feminist movement.

A pioneer for her time, she adopted a masculine pseudonym to penetrate the male-dominated realm of criticism and excel at what she did best: critiquing. Often mercilessly rigorous, her reviews could be excruciating for creators, earning her both fear and reverence.

Signing her work as Alkis Thrylos, she became just that—a legend in name and reality.

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